The German swindled to 500,000 euros for a Paraguayan prisoner will return to his country


Heide Mareike Rachidi The end will not be happy in Paraguay, but at least she will be able to return to Germany. The woman was Three days stranded at Silvio Pettirossi International Airportfrom Asuncion, until the aeronautical authorities realize that he has asked pbadengers for money to buy food. His presence there, however, was not due to hunger but to an international scam.

German citizen contacted Blas Antonio Bogado by social networks a year ago. The woman quickly fell in love with young Paraguay. He did not care about the distance or the difference of language. The relationship has advanced so much that finally Rachidi was encouraged to travel from Germany to Paraguay to get married with his fiance on Thursday February 14th, it's Valentine's Day.

The woman however received the worst news as he stopped Tuesday in São Paulo, Brazil, when the man ended the relationship. A few hours later he landed in Asunción and discovered that everything had been a big lie.

During your virtual course, Heide has transferred it up to 500,000 euros to Blas for the construction of the house and marriage, according to the Paraguayan newspaper The nation. Once in Paraguay, he learned that there was no house or marriage there.

There was also no such Blas Antonio Bogado. The man whose German Rachidi fell in love through social networks was actually Daniel Céspedes, Paraguayan, but sentenced to 25 years for homicide.

We communicate with the consul. He confirmed to us that the accredited German Embbady in our country had fully supported Mrs. Ms. Heide Rachidi. Soon he will be back home.

– Edgar A. Melgarejo Ginard (@edgarmelgin) February 15, 2019

The German citizen had no way to return to her country or buy food at the airport. He had invested all his money in the relationship. Edgar Alberto Melgarejo Ginard, head of the National Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (Dinac) of Paraguay, has offered to return the ticket back to his country.

This was not necessary: ​​the German ambbadador to Paraguay, Claudius Fischbach, ordered the German Foreign Ministry to take over all expenses so that his compatriot could return to his real home. .


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