The German Tobel was the winner of the Grand Prix of Honor of the 2018 International Sculpture Biennale, in Chaco


The German sculptor Tobel received the Grand Prize of Honor of the 2018 International Sculpture Biennial. He received the award with his work "Sound of the Universe". Second place goes to the Polish sculptor, Piotr Twardowski while the Bolivian artist, Leon Saavedra Geuer takes the third place.

With the organization of the Urunday Foundation and the Chaco Government, Resistencia celebrated its 30 years of sculptural competitions in a big way.

This year's Biennale has become the most impressive one that has been seen so far, both in terms of growth in physical space, as in number of shows, stand, gastronomy, quality of artists and craftsmen and, above all, in public.

The crowd that gathered this Saturday at the Amphitheater of Parque 2 de Febrero to meet the winners

In a final that shook the thousands of people who – with absolute enthusiasm endured the low temperature Saturday night – the jury of the sculpture contest dedicated the work accomplished n stone "Sound of the Universe". The second and third prizes were won by Piotr Twardowski (Poland) and Leon Saavedra Geuer (Bolivia).

The great cultural festival that extends from the capital of Chaco to the region and to the country, culminated in the imposing and renewed scenario of the park's amphitheater on February 2.

The German sculptor Tobel received the Grand Prix of Honor of the 2018 International Sculpture Biennial. He won the prize with his work "Sound of the Universe". The second place goes to the Polish sculptor Piotr Twardowski, while the Bolivian artist Leon Saavedra Geuer takes the third place

The winning work

"Sound of the Universe" is a stone work. "Discrete things and sounds move to the center, so they get bigger and stronger," Tobel said as he described it.

The imagination of each individual opens up to the worlds and places of play. Interiors The sculpture "Sounds of the Universe" can be used as a turntable which in turn helps hearing. However, because it is located in a simple place and because of its aesthetic form, it invites the inquisitive visitor to research and study "

The first prize of honor" Nuevo Banco del Chaco "has was issued by the governor Chaco Domingo Peppo and the president of NBCH, Rafael González

The second prize "Municipality of Fontana" was for the sculptor of Poland, Piotr Twardowski winner of the Biennale 2006. Work "PT-18", steel: "The inspiration for this sculpture came from the fascination I feel for the cosmos, the surprising world, gradually discovered, but still unknown, the hidden processes super space, entities and formal structures. Science continues to discover new and diverse models of the mega-world, "said the artist and said:" The title of the work PT-18, which refers to the name of the planetoids that move near of the earth, constitutes the initials of my work. name and year of discovery. It represents my "fraction of the universe", a subtle and at the same time quite complicated mechanism, whereby the movement of one of the minor elements intrigues and motivates reflection and questioning about the relationship from each part with all, and, therefore, the coexistence of man, life on earth with the universe. "

" Each individual's imagination opens up to the inner worlds and the playing venues. "Sounds of the Universe" can be used as a turntable that works to his or her own. As a hearing aid, however, because it is located in a simple place and because of its aesthetic form, it invites the curious visitor to research and study, "he added.

The rest of the awards

    • Children's Awards & # 39; Reinaldo Martínez & # 39;
      Raúl "Pájaro" Gómez (Argentina) with "The spirit of the wind"
    • Public price & # 39; Juan Alberto García & # 39;
      Raúl "Pájaro" Gómez (Argentina) with "Spirit of the Wind"
    • Sculptors' Prize Efraín Boglietti & # 39;
      Piotr Twardowski (Poland) with "PT-18"
    • Price of the Legislative Power of the Province of Chaco
      Qian Sihua (China) with "The sound of colors"
    • Prize of the Biennial of Orange 2018
      Raúl "Pájaro" Gómez (Argentina) with "The Spirit of the Wind"
    • Prize of the Institute for Diversity
      Fernando Pinto (Colombia) with "Wayanaisi &" Intiawki, legend of love
    • Femechaco Prize
      Thierry Ferreira (France) with "CUBICmotus # 71027072"
Source: Chaco al Día, Diario Norte and Diario Chaco


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