The giant otter returns to Argentina, an extinct species in the 70 – 29/03/2019


The National Health and Food Quality Service (Senasa) inspects in Corrientes the post-control quarantine control carried out in Argentina by Wolf and Lark, a male and a female species of otter collar or giant wolf (Pteronura brasiliensis) from Sweden and Hungary to repopulate Iberá National Park; after its extinction in the 70s.

The specimens arrived in the country on March 21 and were inspected by a Senasa officer who works at Ezeiza International Airport. "A documentary check was carried out to check compliance with the sanitary requirements imposed by our country.Then the general condition of the samples was inspected to verify the absence of clinical signs compatible with the diseases and finally the conditions sanitary transport have been controlled, "explained Luis Calascibetta, head of veterinary inspection of the commercial cargo control area of ​​Ezeiza International Airport

After verifying the arrival of the animals, Senasa granted a transit permit for the transport of animals to the San Cayetano Provincial Park located in Corrientes, where is the quarantine import facility, approved by the health organization.

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For 15 days, the animals will remain isolated and under the supervision of Senasa Corrientes Omar Senosiain's office manager, who will have to check the health of the specimens during clinical inspections before the release of quarantine in order to his transfer to the park. Ibera. "After the first quarantine inspection, we can see that the two giant otters are in good sanitary condition. Another visit will take place next week. If the animals show no clinical sign of disease in a short time, they will be released, "said Senosiain.

The giant otter is the largest predator, its function is essential for Iberá to become eco-friendly again

The giant otter is the largest predator, its function is essential for Iberá to become eco-friendly again

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The "Aquatic Top Predator" was not seen in the Correntino Wetland since the mid-70s and Misiones since the 80s. The reintroduction of this species into the Iberá ecosystem will be possible through a conservation project of the species promoted by the Foundation. The Conservation Land Trust Argentina S.A. (CLT) and thanks to the collaboration of Parken Zoo of Eskilstuna (Sweden), who donated to Wolf and Budapest Zoo (Hungary) who did the same with Alondra.

"The giant otter is the largest predator, it would be the equivalent in the water of yaguareté on earth. Its function is essential for Iberá to become ecologically functional again. and can offer all its services in a healthy environment. After quarantine, both will be driven to the estuaries of Iberá, in an area where we will badess their adaptability, "said Alicia Delgado, a biologist at CLT Argentina.

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The giant otter can measure up to two meters and weigh up to 35 kilograms, is characterized by living in families of 10 to 20 people, It's a big predator that feeds almost exclusively on fish. It is one of the most endangered species of otters in Latin America and persecuted for its skin.


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