The girl who joined ISIS with 15 years wants to return to England, but they take up citizenship – 02/20/2019


The UK decided in the last hours revoke the citizenship of Shamima Begum, the girl who with 15 years joined the ISIS terrorist group in Syria and intends to return.

This was revealed by the ITV network, which showed Shamima a letter sent to his family by Interior Minister Sajid Javid.

"I do not know what to say", reacted the woman, who is now 19 years old and a baby born last Sunday. "I'm not so surprised, but a little, it 's a bit embarrbading and frustrating, I feel like it' s a bit unfair to me and my son.

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The official measure, which has been controversial, is dated February 19 and can be appealed.

Tasnime Akunjee, a lawyer with her family, said everyone was "very disappointed" and was considering "all legal channels" to determine the way forward.

Shamima recently escaped Baghuz, the last bastion of the Islamic State in Syria.

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On the letter from the UK authorities, the girl said: "My family has said that it would be much easier to go back. It's hard to swallow"

He claimed not to understand why his case was different from that of other people who might come back.

"Is it because I was in the news 4 years ago?" Asked he.

How was it

On February 20, 2015, 15-year-old Shamima Begum left her country for Syria to join Islamic State jihadism.

At London Gatwick Airport, leaving the United Kingdom. (EFE)

At London Gatwick Airport, leaving the United Kingdom. (EFE)

Amira Abase, also 15, and Kadiza Sultana, 16, did the same: the three were studying at the Bethnal Green Academy and told their parents that they would spend the day in Turkey. But there they crossed the border and reached Raqqa, the capital of the caliphate of that time.

When the news was announced, Shamima's sister was surprised: "She was with typical teenage things … I was watching the program The kardashian"

In Syria, the girl got married and had 3 pregnancies, but 2 babies died of hunger and disease. This Sunday, she became the mother of a man.

A few days ago (as ISIS pulls out and seems about to fall), journalist Anthony Loyd of the newspaper The weather He found her in a refugee camp.

"Bring me home": the owner of exclusivity. ("The Times")

"I am not the same stupid student 15 years old who had escaped from Bethnal Green 4 years ago, "he said in an interview. "I do not regret having come here."

He added that he had fled the territory controlled by the Islamic State for fear that his son would continue the fatal fate of the two previous ones.

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"I do not have much hope, ISIS is getting smaller and smaller," he said. "There is a lot of oppression and corruption. I do not think that they deserve the victory. "


According to Shamima, in Syria He married a Dutch jihadist so that I can ask for this nationality.

"If he's put in jail in the Netherlands, I can wait until he's released," he said. The man was arrested by Syrian Kurdish militias.

Renu Begum shows a photo of his younger sister Shamima. (AFP)

Renu Begum shows a photo of his younger sister Shamima. (AFP)

Experts question Theresa May's government decision: International law prohibits turning a person into a stateless personTherefore, they can only withdraw Shamima's nationality if they have another one. And her family is from Bangladesh, but she has never been to this country and does not have a pbadport.

"My message is clear: if you support terrorist organizations abroad, I will not hesitate to avoid your return," said Minister Javid. "And if you come back, you must be ready to be questioned, studied and judged. "

sources: AFP, DPA, The Guardian, the time, Reuters, EFE, BBC. AEZ


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