The glasses of the general | Internal hot red in Brazil


From Rio de Janeiro

The far-right Jair Bolsonaro has shown, within six months of government, that his personality had particular characteristics: the aggressive vein, combined with its rare working conditions and its more than limited relationship to reality, makes it to offend those who do not share their unclear vision of the world and life.

There has never been such a primate president in Brazilian democracy. Even the most awkward military dictators have, in their own way, acted with more balance.

Among the characteristics that depend directly on this extravagant personality, the absence of any articulation with Congress, as with the most sensible, or the least foolish, of his government is obvious.

To confuse the scene, these last days have been the scene of extremely corrosive scandals and, at the same time, internal disputes over space and power have raised the temperature in a dangerous way.

Evidence of illegal acts – all solid – involving former Judge Sergio Moro, who holds the portfolio of justice and public security, has emerged. In addition, the war between two internal factions resumed: that of ideologues commanded at a distance by an astrologer who claimed to be a philosopher, Olavo de Carvalho, ideologue of the presidential family, against the proposed technique, represented by the army and some ministers.

In decline (from January to June, the government approval lost 20 points, less than those who disapprove), without dialogue with Congress and facing three mbad popular demonstrations against him, the far right reacts by attacking.

The social crisis continues to deepen, the year is lost for the economy, the forecasts for 2020 are melting like ice in the sun, and the signs that support the preferred departure of those who eventually end the power – the military – It will be hard and fast in the face of turbulence.

Of the points that deserve attention, two stand out.

First: the Moro scandal. The Intercept site, led by North American journalist Glenn Greenwald, winner of the Pullitzer Prize and developer, via Edward Snowden, of the US National Security Agency (NSA) maneuvers spying on God and the United States. world, the data of the messages continue to flee between the trial judge of the time, Sergio Moro, and the accusing prosecutors of Lula.

It was already clear, obviously, that there was no collaboration between Moro and the accusers: the judge acted as the coordinator of the group of prosecutors. It seems to indicate steps for the prosecution and, in what was revealed on Friday the 14th, it is to give instructions on how to move the media so that they maneuver against the 39, former president Lula da Silva. Bolsonaro was elected only because Lula could not contest the election. The price of Moro, who ordered his arrest, was the Ministry of Justice.

Second key point: the internal conflicts between "olavistas", followers of the family guru, against the "technicians" and the growing malaise of the military who constitute a government whose vice-president is a general.

Olavo de Carvalho generally refers to the uniform of a conspiratorial enemy, and he does so in terms ranging from "useless bads" to "licked shit". A little over a month ago, the military around Bolsonaro pressed him so that Carvalho and his son in the presidency, Carlos, Rio's city council, mitigate their attacks against social networks. In public, the tone has actually dropped. But Friday, Bolsonaro notably sacked a general in activity, Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz, who occupied the general secretariat of the presidency and was the privileged target of the guru astrologer. The reason: an argument with Carlos and close friends for the budget allocated to social networks of the far right. Santos Cruz wanted to impose a technical criterion, Carlos Bolsonaro wanted to favor his indicated. The military members of the government lobbied Bolsonaro to appoint another active general, Luis Eduardo da Silva Pereira, who, like Vice President and General Humberto Mourão, , was also responsible for the Institutional Security Cabinet, Augusto Heleno, is a tough guy.

On Friday, Augusto Heleno, at a breakfast with journalists from Bolsonaro, had a temper tantrum when he talked about Lula da Silva. He stated in particular that the former president is a villain who should have been sentenced to life imprisonment. Then he put on sunglbades, maybe so that no one would realize the size of the hate in his eyes. At that time, and following the evidence of Moro's arbitrary and unlawful conduct in the trial that Lula sent to prison without any evidence, the Federal Supreme Court will decide what to do with America's most important prisoner .

Will the sunglbades be removed from the general?


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