The good news continues in Chile: cases continue to drop


the Chilean Ministry of Health reported that in the last 24 hours they checked in 3,198 new cases of coronavirus, the lowest number since March, when he was determined to lead to total quarantine in the metropolitan region of Santiago and authorities have stepped up restrictive measures due to the pandemic.

On March 3, 3,040 new cases were recorded, and since then the number has only increased to its maximum since the pandemic reached Chile, when it reached 9151 infected on April 9.

The decrease could be explained by the 29,850 PCR tests carried out in the last 24 hours (total 13,273,297), with a positivity of 9.68% nationwide and 10% in the metropolitan area.

Authorities also reported that in at least 15 regions of the country there were decrease in new cases over the past seven days.

In total, Chile has accumulated 1,219,064 confirmed cases and with the 37 deaths reported on the last day, the figure has risen to 26,696 deaths related to the disease.

Meanwhile, the Chinese Sinovac laboratory is assess the possibility of producing Coronavac coronavirus vaccines in Chile, in collaboration with the Pontifical Catholic University, informed the rector of the institution, Ignacio Sánchez.

Sinovac Biotech laboratory intends to establish a vaccine manufacturing plant in Latin America and decides that our country can be a very good place. So they ask us to work together when they arrive from a science point of view, ”Sánchez told local newspaper El Mercurio.

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