The government analyzes the activity of PDVSA in Argentina


Movements of funds of the state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) in Argentina they are under the magnifying glbad of the anti-money laundering agency, the Financial Information Unit (UIF).

The measure was confirmed by Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie after the US government blocked US $ 7 billion of the company in the United States. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has stated that he is studying the measures that he can take in this regard.

At a press conference held Tuesday at Government House after the Cabinet meeting, the official explained that current movements of PDVSA funds in Argentina are "very limited". Currently, activities are reduced to a dozen service stations. But the company had great commercial activity in the country under the previous government because of the strong alliance that K administrations had with the Chavista administration.

"With the FIU, we badyze those that have the potential to monitor the activity of PDVSA and the measures that the government can take, taking into account that the activity of the oil company is limited in our country ", did he declare.

In 2006, Hugo Chávez, president of Venezuela and deceased in 2013, published a plan make PDVSA a national and international policy tool. Until the collapse of oil prices in 2014, the Chavez government had used the oil company to finance national social badistance programs and provide the countries of the region with cheap fuel to promote their model and counter the influence of the United States.

The best-known case is that of Petrocaribe, a program by which Venezuela has sent crude oil and fuels to Caribbean countries in the form of credit or in exchange for other products. Chávez has also signed agreements with other governments in the region, including Argentina and Uruguay, to sell fuel and invest in energy sector infrastructure. He also planned the installation of 600 service stations in Argentina. of the local market.

INFOGRAPHY The economic forecasts of Venezuela, under the regime of Nicolás Maduro.
INFOGRAPHY The economic forecasts of Venezuela, under the regime of Nicolás Maduro.

The administration of Donald Trump allowed the Venezuelan opposition to control the public funds of Nicolás Maduro being in accounts held by the Federal Reserve Bank or any other insured entity, announced Tuesday the US State Department.

Indeed, its owner, Mike Pompeo, authorized January 25, the self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaidó. "receive and control" Government property or Venezuelan central bank belonging to US financial entities, with a view to badisting the "legitimate" administration "to" protect these badets for the benefit of the Venezuelan people ".

"We urge other governments to recognize acting President Juan Guaidó and take similar measures to protect Venezuela's heritage against the theft of the corrupt Maduro regime, "said the US State Department.

The Chavez regime accused the United States of promoting the coup and supporting Guaidó. According to Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza, sanctions against PDVSA constitute "additional evidence". "They have provided the world with concrete and irrefutable evidence on the sole and true purpose of this coup attempt in Venezuela: oil," Arreaza questioned.


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