The Government assures that the operation at Evo has not had any consequences and that it is already standing


Minister of Communication, Gísela López, reported Thursday that President Evo Morales is recovering favorably and without consequences from the operation of a "small tumor" and that he is already walking. At the executive, they are waiting for their medical leave for this Thursday.

"I talked to him this morning on the phone and I listened to him very well. In fact, yesterday afternoon before I come with him, he is already walking, "said the authority of Santa Cruz, where he traveled for management issues.

Consulted by the type of person. medical intervention that was practiced on the president, the minister is limited to quote the report that the same sovereign delivered on Wednesday in his account Twiiter.He warned that the authorities of the Health or the Presidency will provide a report in the coming hours.

"The intervention did not have any major consequences, that is why she is already up and surely in the current of today she will be released. "

This case was kept in reserve and it is known only that the intervention was" routine "and resulted in the extraction of a "Small tumor", as detailed Morales through his Twitter account

.for all your solidarity, your prayer In the routine review, they detected a small tumor that had already been satisfactorily operated on in emergency surgery but without risk. Tomorrow, I receive the discharge. I am very good, 100 points! ", Writes the president.

The head of state visited Tuesday in a clinic in the southern area of ​​La Paz to undergo" routine "medical examinations, according to what has been reported The Ministry of the Presidency through a public statement.

He has been hospitalized since Tuesday and was operated on 14 months after having undergone laryngeal surgery to remove a benign tumor that was performed at a medical center in Havana. Cuba (05/07/2018)

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