The government authorized the emergency use of the vacuum cleaner …


The national government authorized the emergency use of Covishield, the coronavirus vaccine made in India, after being approved in the last few hours by the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT).

Through Resolution 627/2021, published this Tuesday in the Official Bulletin With the signature of the Minister of Health, Ginés González García, the vaccine against the coronavirus produced by the Serum Institute of India has been urgently authorized.

“The vaccine against the Corona Covishield / ChAdOx1nCoV-19 virus – recombinant vaccine produced by the Serum Institute of India is authorized under Articles 8 and 9 of Law No. 27,573 and in accordance with the recommendations of the ANMAT”, is emphasized in the Official Journal.

The vaccine against Corona Covishield / ChAdOx1nCoV-19 virus – recombinant vaccine was developed by the Serum Institute of India (SII) thanks to the technology transfer from the University of Oxford and the AstraZeneca laboratory.

The Ministry of Health has estimated that this transfer “has no impact on quality, safety and efficiency” already assessed by ANMAT during the approval of the specialty developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca.

Depending on the resolution, Anmat received the corresponding information “as established by the emergency authorization procedure” with regard to compliance with quality, safety and efficiency standards.

The document also guarantees that “no serious adverse events have occurred, nor the significant differences in efficacy observed in the different age groups participating in the clinical trials “.

The Secretariat for Health Quality and the Secretariat for Access to Health, both of the Nation, accepted “this measure within the framework of their competence”.

Indian vaccine

The vaccine produced by the Serum Institute (SII) has already been approved by twelve health authorities in different countries, in addition to India.

In December of last year, the SII requested emergency approval in India. Adar Poonawalla, chief executive of the institution, said at the time that the goal was to produce 100 million vaccines between January and February. The first batch of doses, he added, would be to supply the Asian country, which has 1.35 billion people.

Poonawalla clarified that the Indian government would accept doses at a price of 5 dollars each, which positions it as one of the cheapest vaccines on the market and, moreover, it is easy to store because it does not require such low temperatures for its preservation.


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