The government bought the first 100 taser guns for the federal forces


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Each device costs $ 862, although, in the government, they indicated that "they bought them at half the original price". It was in March, when the announcement, the estimated price was $ 1,663 each.

The acquisition was announced in May and, after an "international call for tenders", the transaction was carried out with the AXON company, which He is rewarded for being present in 100 countries around the world.

"The company has a maximum duration of 60 days to send them and from this delivery, the machine guns will be on the street, "they confirmed to the Ministry of Security.They have time until 14 September, but this could happen sooner.

The national government formalized the use of electric guns on 2 April, when the resolution allowing forces to use them was published in the Official Journal. In May, the trainings were reserved for Grupo Halcón, a special unit in the province of Buenos Aires. The federal forces, which will now have these 100 devices, "they have already started to train", they reported.

The decree states, among the recitals, that "the National Law on Weapons and Explosives determines that electronic weapons that produce only temporary effects on the human organism without causing loss of knowledge are comprehensively envisaged. in the category "weapons and ammunition for civilian use" ".

However, Human rights organizations refuse their use and has filed various court cases to stop their use. Something that has not prospered.

The city of Buenos Aires had announced that this equipment would be added to the police of Buenos Aires, which they dismissed for the moment in the province of Buenos Aires.


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