The government can propose 9,600 "green sticks" from April | Chronic


The government will be able to sell a total of $ 9,600 million from April through calls for daily deals of 60 million US dollars. This was accepted Thursday by the technical teams of the Treasury and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and will soon be officially communicated by the international organization.

The announcement was made Nicolás Dujovne at a meeting with correspondents in Washington. Treasury sources have badured that this decision "This will give greater stability to macroeconomics"although it was stated that the goal is not "do the politics of exchange".

Dujovne had met yesterday for nearly an hour the director general of the IMF, Christine Lagardeas part of the $ 57,100 million underwriting agreement signed last October.

"It was a political meeting, protocol", highlighted in the Treasury, without providing more details on the terms of the meeting. In any case, Lagarde hailed the efforts of the team led by Dujovne "stabilize the economy and provide social protection to the poor and vulnerable."


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