The government condemned the arrest of the vice president of the National Assembly of Venezuela


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement; Chancellor Jorge Faurie spoke on his Twitter account Source: archive

The government of Mauricio Macri condemned this Wednesday
the arrest of Edgar Zambrano, vice president of the National Assembly of Venezuela (AN) and leader of the Social Democrat Action (AD), by agents of the Bolivarian intelligence services (Sebin)

from Venezuela.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina has expressed in a statement its condemnation of the regime of "tyrant"

Nicolás Maduro

and held him responsible for the physical integrity of the politician and other Venezuelan deputies. "We strongly urge his immediate release and hold tyrant Nicolás Maduro's regime responsible for his physical integrity and his safety," they said.

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Argentina
Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Argentina

Also, the Chancellor

Jorge Faurie

He spoke about it on his Twitter account. "We demand the physical integrity and freedom of movement of MP Edgar Zambrano, who is currently besieged by the Bolivarian intelligence service (Sebin).

We demand that the physical integrity and freedom of movement of MP Edgar Zambrano, currently under the SEBIN headquarters, be guaranteed.
# Venezuela& – Jorge Faurie (@JorgeFaurie)
May 8, 2019

Tonight, agents of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) of Venezuela
arrested in Zambrano Caracas, one of ten deputies to whom the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) and the Constituent Assembly, two revolutionary bodies, seized parliamentary immunity for having followed the 39, call the president in charge, Juan Guaidó, during the failure of the military uprising from 30-A.

Zembrano described and reported the incident via his Twitter account. "We were surprised by the Sebin, refusing to leave our vehicle, they used a crane to force us directly to the helicoid, we, the Democrats, continue to fight," he said. declared.

The SEBIN surprised us. By refusing to leave our vehicle, they used a crane to force us to the helicoid. Democrats continue to fight. & – Edgar Zambrano (@edgarzambranoad)
May 8, 2019


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