The government extended the health emergency until December 31


The national government extended this Thursday until December 31st the health emergency in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The decree was published in the Official Journal.

The health emergency was declared by the government of Alberto Fernández on March 12, 2020 for a period of one year, which takes place this Friday.

At that time, the decree empowered the Ministry of Health “as the executing authority” for the emergency. With the extension decided on Thursday, the government will extend the state of emergency in the country until the end of the year. In this way, the measure will be in effect for a total of 22 months.

The national government has decided to extend the health emergency until the end of the year (Photo: EFE)

What does the new decree say

The new decree of necessity and emergency (DNU) published this Thursday afternoon in the Official Journal specified that “during the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the policies adopted for the protection of the health of the population, The National State Not only has it improved the capacity of care in the health system and increased the acquisition of necessary supplies and equipment, but it has also implemented measures to mitigate the economic and social impact caused by the pandemic COVID-19. “

In addition, in the decree, the government again “recommended travel restrictions from or to affected areas and from or to affected areas at greater risk, intervening with the relevant authorities for their implementation.”

It also authorized “the hiring of former civil servants or retired or retired staff, temporarily exempting them from the incompatibility regime in force for the public administration”.

The measure provided for “to establish, in the face of a critical epidemiological situation, a temporary registration and / or specialty certification regime for those who have not completed the process of obtaining their diploma, the revalidation of the title or the certification of undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate student in health sciences, after the intervention of the Ministry of Health and with the certification of skills in charge of health establishments that need it ”, added Decree.

The brief also indicated that the Ministry of Health could recommend the suspension or reduction of the frequencies of international passenger transport services in air, sea, river and land modes, as well as the suspension of destinations, by intervening with the competent authorities. for their implementation >>.

In this context, the Government has resolved to reduce from this Saturday the flights to and from Brazil, United States, European Union and at least six countries to prevent the entry of new strains of COVID-19 in the country. In this way 20 percent of flights to Brazil, Mexico and Europe will be reduced, 10 percent to the United States and 30 percent to and from Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru.


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