The government formalized the reform plan of the armed forces


The goal is to fight new threats and new challenges; the decree was published in the Journal officiel Source: Archive

The President

Mauricio Macri
announced a
military restructuring plan for the armed forces from which, among other things, he proposed to change the deployment of units and to send more soldiers to the northern border to fight the

drug trafficking
. As he explained, it is a consequence of the need to adapt to the "challenges and threats" of the 21st century.

Macri announced this reform yesterday at a conference in Campo de Mayo where he said: "It is important that they can collaborate with internal security, provide logistical support at the border and respond to strategic events. "

The government formalized these changes in the

Official Journal
Decree 683/2018 of the National Defense, where it is stipulated: "The Armed Forces, military instrument of national defense, will be used in a dissuasive or effective way against the attacks of external origin against the sovereignty, the integrity territorial or political independence of the Argentine Republic the life and liberty of its inhabitants, or any other form of external aggression incompatible with the Charter of the United Nations. "

In accordance with the objective the fight against

Terrorist attacks
emphasizes: "The armed forces will frame its planning and its use in the following types of operations: Operations of defense of the vital interests of the Nation, Operations organized within the framework of the United Nations ( UN) or other international operations provided by Law No. 24 059 and support operations to the national and international community. "

Next, he establishes that the military instrument of national defense is composed of the army, the navy and that this body, whose main mission is to provide national defense in situations of external aggression, should be conceived as a single integrating example of the forms and modalities of action peculiar to each of these forces. "

as a mission" to enlist, to train and maintain the means at their disposal, as well as these functions and responsibilities They are affected by the regulations in force, in order to guarantee their effective use in the context of military planning. "

And adds:" The Ministry of Defense will consider as criteria for strategic forecasting, organization, equipment, doctrine and training of the armed forces, to the operational integration of their logistical support functions with security forces.

Among the arguments that led the Defense to make this decision, the entity states: "That the Defense System and its Military Instrument are justified by the very existence of the State and not by the definition of a specific time and situation. its corresponding threats, and its essence is related to the eventual exercise of the monopoly of force for the resolution of the conflict in all its scope, from crisis to war or international armed conflict, as provided by the executive power

In addition, he stressed that it is "of political responsibility to establish the parameters and criteria to be taken into account for the mission, the organization and the operation of the system." defense in general and the armed forces in particular so that they become a real deterrent, according to the perception of the threats to the interests of the Nation and the present and future corresponding risks. "

In es I describe you, it is explained that the Armed Forces must deal with aggressions of external origin that "are not only military in nature, but sometimes manifest themselves in other ways that, while having their origin in the foreign p niger, develop on our territory and / or affect it, affecting the interests that National Defense can and must contribute to preserving.

Also clarifies that this measure "does not imply closing the existing boundaries between the fields of application of the legal system to the competence of National Defense and Homeland Security". that neither the gendarmerie nor the naval prefecture depend organically and functionally on the Ministry of Defense


subjects in this note

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