The government has addressed Juan Grabois for his criticism on "24A": "He's a good boy, who gets popular by eating the" s ".


The government has arrived at a crossroads with everything against Juan Grabois for his criticism of Saturday's mobilization in favor of the president Mauricio Macri. "It's a good guy who thinks he has the monopoly of the street and It is becoming popular to try to eat the "s", said the Minister of Education Alejandro Finocchiaro at a press conference at Casa Rosada after the Cabinet meeting, accompanied by his security duo Patricia Bullrich

In the previous, the leader of the Confederation of Workers of the People's Economy (CTEP) had strongly criticized the demonstration last Saturday. First of all, he felt via Twitter that those who participated in the mobilization "admire that club selection of garcas, hypocrites and bluffs with a lot of money. "Then he said in an interview with Radio La Red These are people "very mobilized with a feeling of gorilla, very old and very harmful to Argentina".

Finocchiaro first declared that the government was in favor of "demonstrations, without disturbing anyone and in a peaceful way". Then he pointed to Grabois, of strong connection with Kirchnerism. "I do not understand that people were disturbed by what happened on Saturday – it was something peaceful, a demonstration of citizenship. a good guy who thinks he has a monopoly in the street and he becomes popular when trying to eat the & # 39; s, "he crossed it.

Bullrich also criticized the social leader for his tough questions at "24A". "If Grabois thinks that, what he does, he generates the logic that Kirchnerism had, both of them, friends and enemies, good and bad, Argentines who must be recognized as such. and those who: no, he said.He also felt that with his statements he advocated "deepening the sense of division of the Argentines", which ensured that the government "did not share".

Reviews of Fernandez's statements on Venezuela

Finocchiaro and Bullrich also questioned the presidential candidate of Frente de Todos Alberto Fernandez, what he said in an interview with America for him in Venezuela "there is no dictatorship" but an "authoritarian government in which institutions work".

The Minister of Education rejected his claims and said: "It is not true that Venezuelan institutions work because the National Assembly is not recognized. dictatorships in which institutions operate but does not mean that they are not a dictatorship ", he said. "It is voted in Cuba and Iran, and both are dictatorships," he added.

While Bullrich warned that "when one who has a dissenting opinion is arrested, when there is no freedom of expression or the ability to generate opposition in a democratic logic, it is understood that it makes sense." dictatorial characteristic. " He felt that there was "an important turning point in Fernández's thinking compared to what he could think of a few months ago in Venezuela". "He has obviously approached the position taken by Kirchnerism to resolve, with Iran, Russia or Cuba, the Venezuelan regime," he criticized.


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