The government has announced that from this Saturday, flights from Brazil, Chile and Mexico will be suspended


In order to deal with the second wave of COVID-19, the national government has suspended flights from Brazil, Chile and Mexico. The measure, as Infobae had argued, will enter into force on next Saturday and will be published this evening in the Official Journal. This is an administrative decision by the chief of staff headed by Santiago Cafiero.

The Government’s aim is for there to be as little travel as possible during Holy Week, when many citizens usually travel within the country or abroad, which in this case is the most worrying. This is why the decision that the measures take effect this weekend.

The decision to suspend the trip of Brazil and Chile It is because they are neighboring countries that have a strong community circulation of the Manaos strain, while in the case of Mexico This is due to the fact many Argentines returned infected from this country in recent weeks, but not of the same strain.

On the other hand, it was decided to avoid the suspension of travel by United States because the health authorities of Argentina considered that this was not necessary, because there is no community transmission of the Manos strain and there have not been a large number of infected from this country. Meanwhile, the flights of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The administrative decision was confirmed by the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero
The administrative decision was confirmed by the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero

From Saturday, people entering the country A test must be done to be able to board the plane which drops it off in Argentina. Then, they will have to do another once they have set foot on the national territory and a third on the seventh day of entry. Everyone will be in charge of the passenger. The main objective is to prevent the entry of new strains from Manaus and South Africa, which have a high level of contagion.

If the first test gives a negative result, they will have to do isolation in a verified address for ten days. If positive, the national authority will determine where the isolation continues. The stay at this location will be the responsibility of the passenger. Those who test positive will undergo a genomic study to find out which strain they are infected with.

According to official sources explained to this media, every Argentinian who is abroad must postpone the date of return to his airline. In other words, if an Argentinian is out of the country today and has a return date for next week, they should consult the airline where they obtained the ticket and reschedule their flight. The measure takes effect this Saturday, so it is possible that there are people who are in the countries affected by the administrative decision and remain blocked.

Government has suspended travel from Mexico, Brazil and Chile
Government has suspended travel from Mexico, Brazil and Chile

The person who left on a trip must declare the places where he was during the last 14 days before his return to the country. As stated by the government, It will be checked that those who have returned from a trip fill the isolation in their homes.

In the event of non-compliance with solitary confinement, the authorities must lodge a criminal complaint in accordance with art. 205 and 239 of the Penal Code for violation of measures against epidemics and disobedience to public authority.

The government wants to prevent people returning to the country from observing isolation days and end up generating infections with the new strain. So far there is no circulation of the Manaus or the South African strain, and at Casa Rosada, they understand that restricting flights, testing and effectively enforcing quarantine will be key to preventing the spread of the virus.

Coronavirus cases continue to rise in Argentina and the government remains on alert (EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni / Archive)
Coronavirus cases continue to rise in Argentina and the government remains on alert (EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni / Archive)

Anyone who is not Argentinian and wants to enter the country for the purpose of sightseeing will not be able to do so. At the same time, with regard to the marketing of graduate study trips, tourism agencies must submit protocols to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, and certification of the destination’s testing laboratory.

These new measures do not have a stipulated expiration date and will remain in effect until the government makes a decision.

For now, it is not a possible option to close the borders between provinces and restrict traffic to certain time slots of the day.. In the latter case, the measure was present in some meetings that took place in Casa Rosada and in which it was conducted with the governors, but, for the moment, its implementation is not progressing.

In the government, they warn that the health situation is very dynamic and that the measures to be taken from this weekend they can be updated in the coming days if there is a sustained increase in infections across the country.


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