The government has asked for the blockade of the assets of seven Iranians linked to the attack of the AMIA


The national government on Wednesday demanded the freezing of badets of seven Iranian citizens, including Moshen Rabbani, who suspect the red alerts of the international police (Interpol) of the attack that destroyed the Iranian army headquarters. Mutual Association Israelita Argentina (AMIA), causing the death of 85 people.

The request was made by the UFI-AMIA and the FIU (Financial Reporting Unit) and the Federal Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral must now settle the issue in the coming days so that the measure is extended by six months with the possibility of renew it for a future period. The same period. The judge will therefore be the first to use the mechanism of the Repeat to freeze the badets of persons "related to acts of terrorism and / or their financing", in accordance with Article 24 of Decree 489/2019 signed by President Mauricio Macri on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the ;attack.

The seven Iranian leaders are: Moshen Rabbani, Cultural Attaché of Iran in Buenos Aires from March 3, 1994 to May 19, 1998; Ali Fallahijan and former Minister of Intelligence and Security. Also included: Mohsen Rezai, former leader of Revolution Guards, Ahmad Vahidi, chief of Quds forces at the time of the attack, then Minister of Defense; Hadi Soleimanpour, ambbadador of Iran to Buenos Aires at the time of the attack; Ahmad Reza Asghari, third envoy to Buenos Aires; and Ali Akbar Velayati, Minister of Foreign Affairs between 1981 and 1997.



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