The government has asked to expel Iranians who entered the country with fake passports


The Argentine government ordered to expel and prohibit reinstatement the country to the two Iranian citizens who arrived in the country on March 12 with false pbadports and who are still detained by order of the judge of the case, Luis Rodríguez.

They were Saijad Samiel Naseran and Mashoreh Sabzali, who had usurping the identity of Israelis through false documents that they declared to buy on the black market of Spain, from where they arrived in Argentina.

The request for deportation was made by the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing, through the National Directorate of Migration, which dictated "expulsion and deportation". Ban from returning to Argentina "from the two Iranian citizens.

However, for this to happen, the federal judge who tried them on remand must give his consent and, according to the information, Luis Rodríguez could call them to new request continue the investigation into the case.

"The provisions of Migrations can materialize once the magistrate has decided to accuse him." In this sense, the Federal Administrative Court will ask on Wednesday the detention (precautionary measure depriving of liberty the expulsion). to send the two back to their country of origin once the judicial interest is concluded so that they remain on our territory, "says the Migrations communiqué.

The Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires decided Monday morning that the Iranian couple was still in detention. The court of appeal refused to release them after confirming an earlier decision of Judge Luis Rodríguez.

Apocryphal documents of the Iranian couple. (Source: Telam).
Apocryphal documents of the Iranian couple. (Source: Telam).

When they arrived in the country and presented their pbadports, Interpol reports understood that the two identification numbers had been stolen and that the Iranians had been arrested two days later in the district of Once. in Buenos Aires.

During their first investigation, they said they escaped from their country because of an adultery case. However, they were accused of belonging to "una unlawful international badociation intended to commit crimes of indefinite duration, among which are the illegal smuggling of migrants, the falsification of public documents, theft, theft and concealment ".


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