The government has asked to limit air routes with Bras …


The national government has asked the airlines cut air frequencies by thirty percent with the United States, Europe and Mexico. He did so through a letter that the National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC) sent to airlines that operate in these destinations, following a request from the Nation’s Ministry of Health. The limitation also includes Brazil, although this time the intention is to halve flights to and from the South American country.

The measure was sent by the national body on Tuesday, although rumors say it will go into effect on February 1.

For its part, the ANAC specified that the portfolio headed by Ginés González García “will carry out a periodic review of the epidemiological situation, with a view to restoring income as quickly as possible.” Until this is possible, this Authority will approve schedules based on the informed decision, ”he added in the document sent to the airlines.

It should be noted that on December 20, the government national had decided suspend all flights with Great Britain, after the appearance of a new variant of the coronavirus. For its part, Airlines said the number of international flights had already been reduced in recent weeks, in part because of the new wave of infections in Europe, added to the mandatory request for PCR – and subsequent quarantine – that the new President of the United States, Joe Decree Biden.


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