The government has authorized the use of taser guns


May 7, 2019

In the Official Gazette, the executive branch issued the regulation, which indicates when security forces may use electric weapons.

Patricia Taser Guns
By Resolution 395/2019, the government has regulated the use of tasers.

Five months after the executive announced the purchase of approximately 300 taser guns, the government published this Tuesday in the Official Journal, the Regulations that specify when federal police and security forces may use non-lethal electronic weapons.

Although, initially, the government has specified that tasers are used in airports, railway stations and closed spaces where the number of people is high, the regulation contained in the annex to the resolution does not give no details about it.

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However, this indicates that they can only be used "when other non-violent means are ineffective". Either "immobilize, arrest or prevent the flight of any person who presents an imminent danger of hurting others or injuring himself"; "When self-defense or that of others should be exercised"; or "to prevent the commission of a crime of public action".

In addition, the standard, issued in resolution 395/2019, includes There are three types of "imminent danger" situations: "When there are threatening behaviors endangering the physical integrity of the agent or third party, when violent behavior indicating the imminence of an attack against the" agent or third parties are indicated, or where the number of offenders or the unpredictability of the aggression used seriously undermines the proper performance of the duty or the ability of self-defense or that of others ".

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On the other hand, the protocol states that, given the need to use these weapons, officers must identify themselves aloud and warn of their immediate intervention"Unless it is likely to cause injury to others or is manifestly inappropriate or unnecessary, given the circumstances of the case".

In the text, which bears the signature of the Minister of Public Security, Patricia Bullrich, the authorities of the Federal Police, the airport security police, the naval prefecture and the gendarmerie "were charged with prosecuting immediately setting up specific training courses ". for the use of these weapons.

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