The government has banned the Boeing Max from flying in Argentine airspace | Chronic


The national government has formalized the suspension of flights of the aircraft Boeing 737-8 Max throughout the Argentine airspace, through a resolution published today in the Official Journal.

The National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC) released last Saturday resolution 2019-194-APN-ANAC-MTR.

"Due to public awareness and public awareness, the operational safety of Boeing 737-8 Max Y 737-9 Max aircraft has been questioned", considered the resolution.

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The National Directorate of Operational Security (DNSO) of ANAC "proposed to temporarily leave the ground and even immediately prevent the overflight of the Argentine territory of all types of Boeing brand aircraft 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max" until the end of the investigation into the recent accident of a model of this aircraft.

The resolution indicated that "The same temperament has been adopted by other aeronautical authorities around the world, following the public recommendation of the manufacturer and to ensure the safety of the operation up to the cause of the accidents occurred 29 October 2018 and 10 October, March 2019 in the Republic of Indonesia and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, respectively ".

The text refers to the fall Sunday, March 10th of a Boeing 737 MAX 8 of Ethiopian Airlines, which caused the death of 157 people, occurred after the pilot asked to return to the airport of origin.

On October 29, 2018, another Boeing 737 MAX of the Indonesian Lion Air company crashed into the Java Sea a few minutes after taking off from Jakarta with 189 occupants.

"Prohibit the operation of aircraft models Boeing models 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max by all certified operators in the Argentine Republic" and "flying over the plane" he added.

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In exceptional circumstances, he indicated that special flight authorizations could be issued for these aircraft to be transferred to their hangars for repair or maintenance purposes, "those which must be carried out exclusively without pbadengers on board".


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