The government has decided to provide financial assistance to …


he The government has decided to grant 227.7 million pesos to social works to compensate, in an exceptional way, the drops in collections that from March to December health insurance agents had as part of the Coronavirus pandemic. The need to compensate social works for the effort they made in the context of the health crisis and to strengthen the health system was a demand of the CGT and was the subject of the last meeting of the small table of the trade union center.

The decision to grant the allowance was reflected in Superintendence of Health Services resolution 163/2021 published this Friday in the Official Journal, which set the allowance for the October fall collection for 46 union social workers. , through exceptional financial support of $ 227,705,825.

This action was taken to ensure the proper functioning of health services for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic, “just like him timely and timely payment to providers, essential for the continuity of care for beneficiaries ”.

The amount of financial support put in place will be paid with resources from the Emergency and Assistance Fund, allocated to the Financial Assistance Program for institutional strengthening and improving the quality of performance of health insurance agents.

The resolution stated that “the decline in productive activity, an inevitable consequence of social, preventive and compulsory isolation, is also reflected in the collection of taxes and, consequently, in the resources allocated to health insurance agents”. And he noted that this situation “threatens the payment chain of the health system, at a time when this sector is essential to minimize the impacts of the pandemic and provide the necessary care to its beneficiaries”.

In this context, he underlined that “it is necessary to adopt adequate measures in order to prevent such effects and to guarantee the adequate service of sanatoriums, clinics and other health providers who care for beneficiaries of social security during the pandemic caused by the coronavirus. “.


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