The government has determined the amount that will be paid to those who are table officials in the elections


The government has determined how much will be paid to those in power in the elections (Telam)
The government has determined the amount that will be paid to those in power in the elections (Telam)

After agreeing with the opposition on the postponement of this year’s parliamentary elections due to the worsening coronavirus pandemic in the country, the primary, open, simultaneous and compulsory (STEP) will be held on September 12 and the general elections September 14. November.

In this direction, the national government continues to advance in the electoral operation. This morning he published in the Official Bulletin the Resolution 108/2021 of Minister of the Interior which determines how much will be paid to those who are the table authorities and actually perform that function on election day.

The text indicates that will receive, at choice, the sum of $ 2,500 in concept of per diem. Other values ​​were also fixed: the value of $ 1,500 for citizens who participated in training activities recognized by national electoral justice and $ 4,500 for those who are appointed as delegates to the polling stations.

In turn, judicial delegates who actually comply with the submission of reports of events, incidents or additional data requested by the National Electoral Chamber or in the systems implemented by the district electoral justice and are expressly authorized will receive $ 1,700.

Finally, it was determined that the technological delegates of the national electoral justice in the polling establishments in which the verification of the identity of the voters is carried out using biometric identification tools will receive $ 6,200 for each choice.

The published resolution specifies that “If for some reason a citizen could not serve as table authority in any of the elections, he will receive the proportional share of the amount that corresponds to him”.

The PASO will be held on September 12 and the General on November 14
The PASO will be held on September 12 and the General on November 14

In this sense, it guarantees that the national electoral justice will verify the respect of the established functions and will inform the official Post of the list of persons entitled to the allowance established to this extent, indicating the number of the office where they worked.

After consultation with the National Electoral Directorate at the National Electoral Justice, it is established that “you can choose to use the financial services of the Official Post of the Argentine Republic SA or to transfer the corresponding amounts to the Electoral Secretariats” in order to carry out the actual payment of paid travel expenses.

Citizens entitled to receive them must present themselves at the place and in the manner indicated by their identity document. This procedure must be carried out within a maximum of one year.. “After 12 months from the date of the national elections in 2021, your right to receive them will lapse”, warns the document signed by the minister Eduardo “Wado” From Pedro.

The Government is therefore continuing with the planning of the elections. A few weeks ago, he confirmed the company with Spanish capital Indra at the head of the provisional account. After a brief hiatus in 2019, he will again be in charge of the counting of the legislative elections of 2021 and the decision was confirmed by the Administrative decision 534/2021.

According to the approved specifications of the International Public Offer in one Phase N ° 81-0022-LPU20 of the Ministry of the Interior, Indra won the offer valued at $ 1,594,702,340 for the service “design, planning, development and operation of the typing, processing and publication of the provisional income account at national and district level”.

The proposal corresponds to both the STEP as well as general elections of national legislators, as well as provincial and municipal legislative and executive elections which are held simultaneously during this year.


Legislative elections 2021: the Government formally convened the PASO and the general elections on their new dates
Vaccination and elections: the government rejects any type of political agreement and resorts to a paternalistic campaign
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