The government has launched a package of measures to extend the terms of the debt


After that the dollar will spend 60 pesos and after the country risk increase that followed another day of collapse of Argentine bonds, the Minister of the Economy, Hernán LacunzaHe announced that they would "begin a period of extending debt maturities with foreign legislation" and that it was proposed to the IMF "to inexorably begin the dialogue to reinvest the debt maturities with this international organization ".

These were the two central ideas of the announcement of a series of measures that, according to the official, are aimed at "caring for the Argentines", which means "to prevent the dollar and the money". inflation to rise more than they have already risen – high enough. "According to Lacunza, this was the mandate that had transmitted to him President Mauricio Macri.

In this sense, the measures aim to develop "four initiatives aimed at reducing the financial burden in the short and medium term".

1. Extend the maturity of the short-term debt, Letes and Lecaps, for institutional investors and not for people, who will recover all their credits in a timely manner. On the investors to whom they will extend the maturities between 3 and 6 months, Mr. Lacunza declared that they were close to the 10% and that they would also invoice without removing anything.

2. Submit the Congress for consideration for a voluntary extension of the debt of a local jurisdiction without removal of capital or interest.

3. Begin a process of extending foreign law clauses with the same objective of extending expiration clauses without capital or interest. Tomorrow we will invite the banks

4. We proposed to this international organization, on the proposal of the opposition, to initiate the dialogue to relaunch the debt maturities.

Before turning to the concrete details of the measures, the head of the Ministry of Finance made a significant introduction, as follows: "The concern for the governance and continuity of President Macri in power was notorious and, moreover, greatly reflected the discouragement that crosses the government.

Lacunza recalled, for example, that 91 years ago, a non-Peronist government failed to fulfill its mandate and that it was a "collective failure" ", while warning that, if the current president was not re-elected, the possibility The mandate of December 10 was worthwhile" both for the outgoing president and for the new president ".

"All political organizations want to win the elections, but this should not be at the expense of the tranquility of the Argentines," said the official in an introduction to an opposition shot that, without having explicitly stated, left its position in line with the Government's statements that the Front of All was responsible for the abrupt cut of this brief period of stability that followed post-WWTP turbulence.


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