The government has prepared 500 meetings for entrepreneurs who traveled with Mauricio Macri in India – 16/02/2019


Maybe Techint was the most iconic case. But, like the giant of metallurgy, dozens of companies and representatives of entities from different industrial sectors joined at the last moment the call by the government for the tour undertaken by the president in India and Vietnam. In all, until Thursday evening, about 79 private sector names were listed in the last list that they showed Mauricio Macri before boarding the plane. A few days ago, senior officials said that between 40 and 50 people were registered.

Faced with such a wait, Casa Rosada has redoubled its efforts and organized 500 meetings for businessmen and mainly SMEs, with local references from each sector. Macri has decided to personally attend several of these meetings to help boost trade.

Mauricio Macri received in December Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a bilateral meeting in Olivos, on the occasion of the fifth summit, outside the G20 summit in Buenos Aires (AFP ).

Mauricio Macri received in December Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a bilateral meeting in Olivos, on the occasion of the fifth summit, outside the G20 summit in Buenos Aires (AFP ).

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"It is a trip that essentially involves a commercial economic component," said Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie.

The balance with India, a country of 1.3 billion inhabitants, is favorable to Argentina: a few $ 1,257 million in 2017. "But it can be much better, for many years we have not paid attention," was the badysis, with criticism directed at Kirchnerism, that they made the government.

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In 2017, the latest full year of registration, Argentina has exported products to India for 2 billion US $ 081 million. But 96% obeyed soybean oil (88.9% of the total and almost half of what is exported worldwide), sunflower oil, malting barley, tanned hides and skins of cattle, prompting the government to try to place new products. Argentina, meanwhile, has bought India for about 824 million dollars.

Among dozens of SMEs, there will be, with Macri, well-defined names of companies such as Eduardo Elsztain (IRSA), Gustavo Grobocopatel (Los Grobo), Sergio Nardelli (Vicentine) and Gabriel Martino (HSBC). For the Techint group, which was added at the last moment, will lead the delegation David Uriburu, director of institutional steel.

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The meetings will also include emissaries from Laboratorios Bagó, Sancor Seguros and various entities, such as the Argentine Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Petroleum Industry of the Argentine Republic and the Argentine Chamber of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers.

Particular attention is placed on INVAP, the high-tech company owned by the state. The President wants to go forward with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to try to republish an agreement similar to that reached several years ago for the construction in Bombay of a radioisotope production plant for nuclear medicine studies.

But SMEs will be the main actors: the example is the presence of Yerba Mate Piporé Producers, an Argentine cooperative planning to land in India; "Group Purchasing", a pool of dozens of hardware stores.

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In response to their requests, the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Fulvio Pompeo, asked his team to meet local representatives. Eduardo Boccardo and Matías García Oliver, two of his advisers, worked against the clock to close 500 matches.

New Delhi. Correspondent.



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