The government has reduced flights to Europe and suspended …


The government 20% reduction in flights to Europe Yes suspension of new destinations, like Turkey and the countries of the African continent, to prevent the entry of different strains of the coronavirus, according to administrative decision 589/2021, published this Saturday in the Official Journal.

The rule bears the signature of the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero; the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro; and the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti.

As President Alberto Fernández expressed this week, in the government they are particularly concerned about the Delta variant, which originated in India, and is “more transmissible and potentially more serious”, according to the recitals of the standard.

The aim of the decision is “to reduce international traffic and prevent new strains of coronavirus from reaching Argentina” which are circulating in other countries.

Thus, “the national health authority considers it necessary to extend and extend the preventive measures adopted by administrative decision n ° 2252/20 and its additional regulations, in the protection of public health”, indicates the text.

Thus, article 1 extends until June 25, including decisions relating to “authorizations and permits” relating to “passenger and passenger air transport operations on direct flights which originate or destination in the Kingdom. “United of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” and Turkey and the countries of the African continent were added.

Meanwhile, the ban on direct flights from “Brazil, Chile and India continues.”

Article 2 states that the Ministry of Transport “will order a 20% reduction in the frequency of passenger flights from or to European countries”.

However, the National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC) “can extend, reduce or eliminate this percentage reduction, after intervention by the health authority”.

On the other hand, the text indicates that the Ministry of Health “will determine the entry points into the country, the routes and the places which meet the best basic capacities to respond to the health emergency”.

Likewise, the National Directorate of Migration can “authorize the entry of persons into the national territory through other border crossings, when there are special and accredited humanitarian reasons which justify it”.


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