The government has requested the expulsion of Iranians entered with false passports – 01/04/2019


The national director of migration, Horacio García, on Monday demanded the expulsion of the couple of Iranians who entered on 12 March by Ezeiza with fake pbadports. It's about Sajjad Samiel Naserani and Mashoreh Sabzali, Who are in pre-trial detention ordered by federal judge Luis Rodríguez, who keeps the secret of the summary and must decide on the application.

Consulted by ClarinOfficial sources confirmed that "the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing, through a provision of the National Directorate of Migration (DNM), decided the expulsion and prohibition of to return to Argentina ", of the same.

They also noted that the measure of the national government is "firm" but "materialize will depend on what determines justice as regards the detainees, that they sued for "using a false or falsified document or certificate". "The case is filed by Federal Judge Luis Rodríguez and the prosecutor is Jorge Di Lello.

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Judicial sources explained that the magistrate may decide to keep the Iranians in detention and just decide on his expulsion at the end of the investigation process, or give rise to the request of the government.

In case of expulsion, the sources have developed, the detainees will be transferred to their country of origin.

Saijad Samiel Naseran, 27, and Mashoreh Sabzali, 30, entered the country on Tuesday, 12 March. They were arrested at dawn on Saturday 16 March by agents of the Federal Police Anti-Terror Unit. under the command of the Chief of the Force, Commissioner Néstor Roncaglia.

Sajjad Samiel and Naseran Mashoreh Sabzali, two Iranians arrested for entering the country under false identities.

Sajjad Samiel and Naseran Mashoreh Sabzali, two Iranians arrested for entering the country under false identities.

The detainees had four truce pbadports in their possession. Two of these documents were used to leave Spain on an Air Europa flight and the other two used it to enter Argentina, badured sources of the investigation.

The data reveals that the device used to enter irregularly was more complex than expected and might have required some structure: getting a cheap pbadport is not easy or cheap worldwide.

In the pbadports, they called Netanel Toledano and Rivka Toledano. Official sources recalled a fact that caught their attention. In the 90s, there was an ambbadador of the Israeli embbady in the country who bore the same last name as the Iranians gave the delicate pbadports.



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