The government has set up a program to assist Venezuelan migrants | Chronic


The Government has set up a special program for Venezuelan migrants to "Facilitate entry" in Argentina and the "regularization of their migratory status and social integration ", in view of the fact that Venezuela "is experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in history", establishes a provision published today in the Official Journal.

The National Directorate of Migration, through the number 520, created the "Program of Assistance to Venezuelan Migrants" with "A working table with governmental or international organizations considered relevant, to monitor the flow of Venezuelan citizens who turn to, enter and / or reside" in the country.

The goal is "Project its volume, identify needs and articulate appropriate responses to the mobility situation" Venezuelans.

In the recitals of the measure, it is recalled that, according to the report of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) of September 2018, in recent years, Venezuela "Has the number of Venezuelan migrants increased from 700,000 to 2,600,000 between 2015 and 2018, and more than 1,800,000 of their nationals have migrated to South American countries".

He also quotes a report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, published in 2018, which reports on "The complex political, economic, social and humanitarian crisis affecting" in the country of South America.

It also notes that the Organization of American States (OAS) in the middle of last year, "Reiterates that a change in the constitutional order of Venezuela took place, urging his government to take measures to guarantee the separation and independence of constitutional powers" and takes into account a note by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) urging States to take appropriate measures "This may give access to legal residence and standard treatment similar to international protection" to migrants.

Finally, the resolution stresses that Argentina"has always been a country open to migration and sensitive to those in need of international protection" and "In recent years, the income of Venezuelan citizens intending to reside in the country has increased exponentially, it is necessary to adopt certain measures that can find solutions to the various difficulties affecting this country. population".

The provision on migration recalls that Article 34 of Law No 25 871 "Permits entry into the country of foreigners who do not meet the requirements of the law, when there are exceptional reasons of humanitarian nature, public interest or compliance with the commitments".

Finally, he refers to "The firm will help the Venezuelan people who is living an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in history, providing exception tools facilitating access to the national territory and to the residence, knowing that this reflects the spirit of the Migration Act and our open tradition to people who need different protection mechanisms ".


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