The government is preparing a plan to contain certain prices


treat prices in guarino do something

"The MFIs He bypbades the government and meets with businessmen and bankers because what worries him is that rising prices are sinking into a particular sector: food, "Julián said. Guarino in "do something" on the screen C5N.

In this sense, the economist has developed the keys to the plan that the executive wants to implement.

– You work with food manufacturers and supermarkets

– relaunch the continuity of Price of maintenance

Large companies manufacture about 80% of products, sell less, raise prices to ensure profitability, and want to start reviewing the system. It is one of a kind relaunch with 500 products.

– Special agreement for retirees, pensioners and beneficiaries of social insurance schemes

From one side, retired and retired they will be a subgroup with a special basket.

For those who receive social planss each supermarket will have its own basket with commodities

– That brands can not exceed 20% of the available space in a gondola

– Exhibitors next to the stands: that there is 50% of products of the national industry


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