The government is preparing a trade mission to Italy: what will be its priorities


President Mauricio Macri received the Italian Chancellor at the Olivos Residence, Enzo Moavero Milanesiat the conclusion of the two-day visit that the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation had made during his first visit to the region, which included stops in Paraguay and Uruguay.

Accompanied by the Minister Jorge Faurie and the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Fulvio PompeoMacri and Moavero have resumed the progress of the agenda that the President had presented last December to his brand-new counterpart, Giuseppe Conte.

Without prior political experience, Conte was "hired" as President of the Italian Council of Ministers on behalf of ultra-right coalition commissioned by the vice president, Matteo Salviniand the Minister of Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio, The strongmen of the Northern League and the 5-star Movement (M5E), respectively.

During this visit, the governments of Argentina and Italy have agreed to renegotiate the Treaty of Friendship and Privileged Cooperation, signed in 1998 between Carlos Menem and Romano Prodiwith a focus on economic badociation.

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The President reacted angrily to the constant interruptions of lawmakers and opposition activists.

Conte and Macri, at the official reception at Casa Rosada last November.

In this context, Macri and Moavero agreed to advance in two economic expeditions. In the middle of June, the Chancery will host a visit of italian businessmen, and in July it is meant to correspond to a Tour of Argentine SMEs in the Italian peninsulawith the Minister of Production and Labor, Dante Sica, leading.

Diplomatic sources from both governments indicated The chronicler What, for now, President Macri's trip is not rated as well as the corporate entourage, as during the recent trip to India and Vietnam. However, they have not closed all doors to the possibility.

At the preparatory meeting of Macri and the Italian, Faurie told the press that it had been agreed to go ahead in "a program of action and greater cooperation between SMEs provoke relationship between productive sectors and more value chains between companiesfrom both countries.

In Italy, there are 6 million SMEs. In a depressed market that is struggling to create jobs, the government of Salvini-Di Maio intends to encourage them to seek new markets. On the Argentine side, the network mentoring and efficiency policies developed in "Districts 2.0" can foster growth in terms of competitiveness.

The trade balance I've done the trick 2000 million dollars in 2018, there is a slight deficit of about $ 140 million for Argentina, given the import of machinery for agriculture and the United States. Automotive parts industry, for an amount greater than $ 900 million.


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