The government is silent about the delicate situation in Cuba and the repression of the dictatorship


President Alberto Fernández and Minister of Foreign Affairs Felipe Solá
President Alberto Fernández and Minister of Foreign Affairs Felipe Solá

The situation of social crisis in Cuba puts the president in a new dilemma Alberto Fernandez, especially with regard to the geopolitical positioning of the Argentine government in the face of a dictatorship which has resolved to suppress in the last hours the biggest wave of protests in 30 years that has been recorded on the island.

The Argentine president is following events closely. After consultation with the Chancellor Felipe Solá with the Argentine Ambassador Luis Alfredo Ilarregui, and according to informed diplomatic sources Infobae, opted for the “non-interference by Argentina in the internal affairs of Cuba“And, in this way, he resolved not condemn the Cuban government’s attack on its own citizens.

According to information Solá obtained from Ilarregui, the protests that have recurred in several cities across the country, including Havana, are the result of the economic crisis, shortages of food and medicine. Also, the collapse of health infrastructure due to the impact of the coronavirus. In addition, doctors denounce that hospitals do not even have painkillers for headaches, that famine is raging and that “what is spent on repressive forces is more than what is spent on drugs.

Despite this, so far there has been no public statement from Argentina. His position contrasts, for example, with that of the Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro, who spoke bluntly this morning: “The Cubans went to ask for freedom and received rubber bullets, beatings and imprisonment.

It is the largest anti-government demonstration recorded on the island since the so-called “maleconazo”, When in August 1994, in the middle of the“ special period ”, hundreds of people took to the streets of Havana and did not leave until the then Cuban dictator arrived. Fidel Castro.

In the United States, Cuban residents have also mobilized in South Florida to support the protests taking place on the island. According to local media, the protest was also joined by Venezuelans and Nicaraguans. Shouting “Freedom”, “Homeland and life” and “Free Cuba”, the demonstrators mobilized by carrying Cuban flags.

Photo Sunday of a demonstration against the Cuban government in Havana.  (REUTERS)
Photo Sunday of a demonstration against the Cuban government in Havana. (REUTERS)

Yesterday, consulted at C5N on this situation, Solá underlined: “We are watching it carefully. We haven’t taken a position yet. Our position is first to know the facts up close and secondly to examine the issue of human rights, for which we have no different standard depending on whether we sympathize with a country or a other. It is not a geopolitical question, but absolutely an ethical one, and to which Argentina adheres. From this point of view, we will look at the problem, on which I do not yet have all the information to open a trial. We are obviously looking at it carefully. “

Díaz-Canel, in good relations with Alberto Fernández and with whom Argentina is negotiating the acquisition of vaccines against the coronavirus, deployed the so-called shock forces “black beretsHe gave a “combat order” to the civilians who support him and cut the internet and electricity to prevent the protests from spreading. “Protesters got the response they deserved“said the dictator today.

Cuban-Americans in the demonstration to support popular protests in Cuba, in front of the Cuban restaurant Versailles in Miami, Florida, United States (EFE)
Cuban Americans at the demonstration in support of popular protests in Cuba, in front of the Versailles Cuban restaurant in Miami, Florida, United States (EFE)

“Here, we have suffered a lot, not only from the confinement but also from the power cuts, almost every day they cut the electricity. The police have real harassment on salespeople and there is hardly any way to make a living. It was a time bomb a long time ago, ”said a woman, Carmen, amid protests in San Antonio de los Baños.

The same position of “non-interference in the internal affairs of Cuba“Said in the last hours the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, who avoided commenting on the call from Diaz-Canel so that the supporters of the regime took to the streets, in addition to the multiple denunciations of the repression. “It’s an internal matterHe said. AMLO, as the president is called in Mexico, called for avoiding interventionism and criticized the “unusual” international coverage of protests against the dictatorship.

Alberto Fernández and López Obrador have already agreed on the political vision for Nicaragua. In mid-June this year, the two leaders called on their ambassadors to consult to repudiate human rights violations committed by the Sandinista regime, after criticism from international organizations about the internal situation in the Central American country.

Unlike Argentina, Mexico and other countries, the President of the United States, Joe biden, urged the communist regime to meet the needs of the population “instead of getting richer”. The OAS also condemned “the Cuban dictatorial regime for calling on civilians to repress.”


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