The government is studying more measures for SMEs and certain sectors


The government will announce in the coming days more measures for SMEs and for specific sectors of the economy, senior officials who participated in a day for the day of export.

Marisa Bircher, Secretary of Foreign Trade, has provided that announced measures by President Mauricio Macri on Wednesday "they asked reach through society"

But other "sectoral and SME" measures are still under study in the government, Bircher anticipated in the framework of a day devoted to the Export Day organized by CERA. (Chamber of Exporters of the Argentine Republic).

Bircher He also recalled that the Peronist Felipe Solá, encolumnado with the presidential candidate Alberto Fernández, talked about replenishing the exchange rateand highlighted the difficulties faced by the Macri government in launching foreign trade, also hampered by the sworn affidavits of DJAI, for imports.

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The appeal was formalized yesterday by the Minister of Production and Labor, Dante Sica. From the CGT, they have already warned that they would require that the increase be applied in a single section.

In turn, the Minister of Agriculture, Luis Etchevehere, also quoted another opponent who talked about unfold the exchange rate, and reminded the businessmen present: "We all know the damage caused by such measures".

"Kirchnerisno had a crush" in foreign trade, and recalled that "with the previous government, it was almost impossible to export," criticized Etchevehere.

"In 2006, the export of meat was banned, refrigeration facilities were closed, 10 million head of cattle were lost and thousands of people remained on the street," he said. , adding that "we were fighting with the world; Kirchnerism He had the ability to fight with the greatest number of countries in the world"

"There were parallel customs, with people who have the power over foreign trade without charges, "he again denounced, given the dark expression of the businessmen present.

Etchevehere acknowledged that "Sunday's poll result was overwhelming"but badured that"we take note and the president has already announced measures. "He launched his badurance that"This is not the same if you win a force or another end of October", and stressed that" will not be indifferent to this activity. "

In turn, Chancellor Jorge Faurie it was a lot more composed, and only noticed that "you must keep Argentina open and in contact with the world ".

"These are emotional days for us as a whole, but being able to talk about exports is without a doubt one of the things that we Argentines have an agreement; or if We will develop only if we export"said Faurie.

So he pointed out that In response to what happened on Sunday, the answer is that you do not have to closewe must keep Argentina open and stay in touch with the world ".

"Closing is a mistake: the question asked on Sunday whether we open or close, the answer is to open ourselves," said the Chancellor, adding that people who close are psychotic; countries are late. "

In addition, he noted that "in the discussion generated by Sunday's elections, the vision of the country to come is to keep the country connected to the world".

"Let's look for markets for what the country produces because it translates into work and better conditions of well-being.When we disconnect from the world, we fail," warned Faurie.

"The world is changing in these 20 years of the century that has pbaded; what you see is who is negotiating with whom and the first part of the Argentine century has been devoted to examining other aspects of the world, "said the ambbadador.

In particular, all the leaders defended the recently concluded Mercosur-European Union agreement by the government, because "it does not bring a very important global GDP" and because it "makes us more credible for them. other countries".

For its part, CERA President, Enrique Mantilla, said that a national export strategy was the foundation of sustainable development, ushering in the celebration of Export Day.

Mantilla pointed out that "external sector imbalances have been at the center of many recurring crises" and stated that "successive governments have not yet succeeded in implementing sustainable solutions capable of generating inclusive and sustainable development ".

Finally, he stressed that "the chronic fiscal imbalance is only one of the many variables indicating that the growth crisis in Argentina is deep and structural" and felt that "to enable inclusive development, it is essential to adopt a growth strategy based on: in export and investment. "


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