The Government manages three options in the absence of the second installment of Sputnik V


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La Maison Rose analyzes three strategies in the absence of the second component of the Sputnik V vaccine. In this sense, the Minister of Health of Mendoza, Ana María Nadal, announced this Wednesday on LVdiez radio that next Monday, during a new virtual meeting with her peers from the Nation and other provinces as part of the Federal Health Council (Cofesa), a definition will be taken “with more information than we have today”.

The Mendoza official added that currently “there is no information from the Nation regarding the second doses of Sputnik”. But he planned that at this meeting next week “This will decide if second doses arrive, if they are produced in Argentina or if an interchangeability process starts depending on the lack of doses”.

In the same vein, the national director of epidemiology of the Ministry of Health of the Nation, Analía Rearte, warned that on the one hand, “Hard work is underway to receive the full vaccine from Russia”; other, “Already, the Richmond lab has manufactured just over a million units awaiting clearance from Gamaleya”; and finally “Interchangeability studies are in progress” with drugs from other laboratories.

This last point in particular will be discussed when more precise information becomes available next Monday, during a virtual meeting of Cofesa. In this sense, the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, specified that she should receive “More data on the possibility of generating interchangeability and supplementing the immunization schedules of those who received the first dose of Sputnik V vaccine with another vaccine from another platform.”

To advance research on interchangeability, the government has announced that it will include Moderna’s vaccine in the study. “Collaborative and Federal Evaluation of Combined Immunization Programs” against the coronavirus, which he coordinates with the participating jurisdictions and Conicet researchers.

The objective of the study, already underway, is to have its own evidence for decision-making based on the analysis of the immunogenicity and the safety of using different doses in the same regimen of the available vaccines. currently in the country, who are AstraZeneca, Moderna, Sinopharm and Sputnik-V.

With reference to other vaccines like AstraZeneca and Sinopharm, Rearte confirmed that “The second doses are guaranteed and the entire population having received these vaccines will be given priority in August. “

August, the month of the second doses

The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, announced on Tuesday that August “will be the month of the second doses” during which the vaccination schedules of a large part of the population against the coronavirus will be completed.

The official also said the Cofesa meeting set a target of reaching 60% of the population over 50 vaccinated with both doses within the next month.

“We agreed that August would be the month when the second doses will have an impact on decreasing mortality and hospitalizations given the potential risk of having persistent circulation from the Delta variant,” said Vizzotti.

The Minister added that “if we devote the four weeks of August to completing the plans, it is quite possible that we will cover the 22% over 50 years remaining to reach the target, since at To date we have achieved 37% coverage with full regimens in this group, starting with those with the longest interval time. “

In the same vein, the Under-Secretary for Health Strategies, Juan Manuel Castelli, indicated that 73.8% of people aged 18 and over already have a dose of vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, just like 90% of people aged 60 and over.

In addition, it was added, 62.1% of people over 70, 50.4% of people 60 and over and 37.4% of people 50 and over have completed their device.

Source: With information from Télam and La Nación.

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