The government of Buenos Aires defended the action of the police in front of the Venezuelan Embassy: "It must guarantee the order"


Tuesday was marked by the violence. Firstly, because of the incidents that occurred during the demonstrations because of the national strike, and later by the Cross in front of the Venezuelan Embbady. Diego Santilli visited TN Central and he talked about each of these episodes. "There were gangsters who tried to intimidate "He said about the incidents in the morning.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Security of the City of Buenos Aires said that the peaceful concentration of Venezuelans in front of the Embbady had been interrupted since the afternoon, when "others groups approached, with aggression between two people and a cyclist. "" After the protesters advanced and Police dispersed peoplehe badured.

Asked about the rubber bullet fired by a policeman who had injured a protester, he said: "The police must guarantee the right to demonstrate, as well as freedom of movement." If there are attacks, they must stop. Police must act"

The moments of greatest tension were experienced around the age of 19, when the troops repressed one of the violent groups. A protester received a impact on the face and had to be urgently transferred to Fernández Hospital. As you could see the images recorded by this media, the policeman fired at him with a paintball gun. "It's a weapon with paint that it is used to mark people so that the police can then act, "said Santilli.

"People have come with balaclavas to throw stones, that makes no sense, the city police must restore order in an aggression, anywhere in the country." the world a person who attacks a policeman is arrested, "he insisted.

In addition, the deputy head of government said that in the morning there were 39 inmates for incidents during the marches due to the strike. He even revealed that one of them "had a gun and some knives".

"It was a long day, which started last night with episodes of violence, with Mafiosi who tried to intimidate to the majority who wanted to work in peace. One thing is the right to demonstrate and another is to prevent others from working and being burned by collectives, "said the Minister of Security.

The official explained that the legitimacy of the protest "is lost when you have to use violence, 30 or 40 gangsters mistreating people". He added: "It is at this point that political discourse and aggression become political. violence, that's our limit. Today, we act quickly in many situations so that it does not happen for the majors. Our duty is to maintain order. "

As if that was not enough, to end on Tuesday, bomb threats interrupted the normal service of different train lines, like Belgrano Norte and Roca. "It would be put prisoners to the guys who make bomb threats, which have hurt hundreds of thousands of people. It generates a lot of damage to people who travel every day. It is intolerable, it is to try to generate fear. It's intentional. They are not children who play, "he closed.


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