The Government of Nicaragua declares itself willing to comply with the signed Convention


EFE 23 April 2019 | 2:57 p.m.

Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Denis Moncada said on Tuesday that the government was willing to abide by what he had signed at the negotiating table to overcome the crisis, the very day that the opposition made necessary the meeting with the executive. it demonstrates with acts that go.

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Moncada told reporters on the campus of the Central American Institute of Business Administration (Incae), in southern Managua, that they had been summoned by witnesses and companions to resume talks, who attended the meeting "to comply with what we signed"

Also "to continue to make agreements with the same strict sense of responsibility of our government, to do what we sign, to respect what we engage responsibly," he added.

The Apostolic Nuncio to Nicaragua, Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag, and the former Minister of Defense of Uruguay, Luis Ángel Rosadilla, who appeared as witnesses and accompanying the process on behalf of the Vatican and the General Secretariat of the OAS, invited the parties to represent the talks on Tuesday.

The opposition Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy refused Tuesday to meet with the government and said it would do so until the Executive demonstrates its willingness to respect the agreements signed to overcome the crisis that left hundreds of people dead and tens of thousands in exile. .

The Civic Alliance and the National Blue and White Unity, both of the national opposition, denounced the non-fulfillment of the commitments made by the government. In fact, 250 released "political prisoners" were sent home under family coexistence. the demonstration in the streets was the target of "repression".

On the other hand, the government has also declared itself ready to continue negotiations at the negotiating table and to progress on issues of justice and democracy, for which it has not yet reached a consensus with the opposition.

Moncada said the executive delegation hoped to "speak, dialogue, seek peaceful, negotiated solutions, solutions that would benefit the people of Nicaragua".

"It's our goal of our mission, as always to seek negotiated solutions," he added.

The government delegation also thanked Pope Francis on Sunday for letting him know that "the Risen Lord has enlightened his efforts (…) to find a peaceful and negotiated solution for the benefit of society as soon as possible". all Nicaraguans. "

On April 3, the Executive and the Civic Alliance culminated in a negotiation aimed at overcoming the crisis, without agreements on issues of justice and democratization, although they left the door open for the continuation of the negotiations.

The delegates of the executive asked for a deadline to reflect on the points of truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition, as well as on democratization and electoral reforms.

According to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Nicaragua is experiencing a serious crisis that has resulted in 325 deaths since April 2018, although some groups bring to 568 the death toll, while the executive It recognizes only 199 and denounces an badbadination attempt. coup d'etat. EFE

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