The government of Uruguay has changed entry requirements over fears of the Delta variant of the coronavirus


A nurse disinfects her hands in the intermediate care area of ​​the Rivera public hospital (Photo: EFE / Raúl Martínez)
A nurse disinfects her hands in the intermediate care area of ​​the Rivera public hospital (Photo: EFE / Raúl Martínez)

Uruguay will once again strengthen the conditions for entry into its territory in the face of the threat posed by the Delta variant of the new coronavirus, of which no case has yet been recorded in the country, authorities reported on Friday.

All persons entering Uruguay must do “a PCR test 72 hours before boarding then another on the seventh day of the first test, or failing that, keep isolation for 14 days», Informed the Minister of Public Health, Daniel Salinas, during a press conference.

These requirements were exempted from May 19 for people vaccinated against COVID-19 or those who had the disease within 90 days of admission.

It is a measure of adaptation to the theme of the Delta variantsaid Salinas. However, the minister called to take “realistically“The scenario of this tension or others that could arise in the future”,because they are going to enter the country one way or another”.

Uruguayan Minister of Public Health Daniel Salinas (Photo: EFE / Raúl Martínez)
Uruguayan Minister of Public Health Daniel Salinas (Photo: EFE / Raúl Martínez)

You have to be vigilant, be proactive, but not dramatize the situation“, a point.

Authorities in turn reported the arrival in July of 500,000 doses of Pfizer donated by the United States.. Uruguay thus becomes one of the first beneficiaries of the donation of 14 million doses that Washington has decided to allocate to Latin American countries. via the Covax program.

The country of 3.5 million inhabitants went through the worst time of the pandemic in April and May With world records of infections and deaths, there is now an improvement in the numbers thanks to an intense vaccination campaign. 62% of the population received at least one of the two doses of Pfizer, CoronaVac or Astrazenca and 43% have the complete regimen.

(With information from AFP)


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