The government rejected the statements of Alberto Fernández on Venezuela | Chronic


The national government on Monday rejected the statements of the presidential candidate for the Front of All, Alberto Fernandez, who had claimed that Venezuela "not the case" of a dictatorship.

"Personally, I do not agree," said the Minister of Education of the Nation, Alejandro Finocchiaro, one of the official spokespersons who spoke with the accredited media at Casa Rosada after the Cabinet meeting led by the President during this day Mauricio Macri. "It's not true that institutions in Venezuela are working"said the official.

"Dictatorships have an undemocratic origin, this is not the case of Venezuela", said the candidate for the post of Head of State of Frente de Todos in an interview to the newspaper. The other official spokesman for the meeting, the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich, also referred to the subject.

"The idea that dictatorships are erected only on the basis of a popular vote or not is rather limited", said the official, who added that if a diet "powers do not work", it's a dictatorship.

And he continued his enumeration: "When members of the Supreme Court must be exiled and legislators are imprisoned, when the dissident is arrested for political reasons, when there is no freedom of expression or ability to generate opposition in the framework of a democratic logic, has a dictatorial characteristic ".

He also said that "There was a big turning point in Fernández's thinking" On the subject. And noted that now "It is close to the position traditionally adopted by Kirchner to solve the Venezuelan regime."


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