The government releases a group of political prisoners



Managua (EFE) – The Nicaraguan government on Thursday released a group of "political prisoners", described as "terrorists" for taking part in demonstrations against President Daniel Ortega, in the midst of a socio-political crisis affecting the country, according to the newspaper . a lawyer defending the detainees.

The detainees were transferred from the prisons of the national penitentiary system to their homes early in the morning, confirmed to journalists Yonarqui Martínez, a lawyer who has defended dozens of "political prisoners".

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The authorities, who carried out the transfers in secret, did not immediately communicate the number or identity of the released convicts.

The releases took place on Mother's Day, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the deaths of 19 youths, during an armed attack by the combined government forces aimed at demonstrating its support for women having lost their children during badaults. similar and in the rejection of Ortega.

On the eve, the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, opposed to the government in negotiations to find a way out of the crisis, denounced the fact that a list of 142 "political prisoners" leaked by the executive conceals 91, that the total recognized by the opposition is 233.

According to official reports, 336 "political prisoners" were released between late February and early May.

The government had pledged in March to give absolute freedom to all "political prisoners", but then decided to give until 18 June the deadline for their release, that is to say to send them to their homes in prison or in family coexistence.

According to the latest report of the Committee for the Liberation of Political Prisoners and Political Prisoners, some 730 people, including protesters and journalists, are under a penitentiary regime for having thought differently of Ortega.

The executive currently recognizes 478 detainees that it describes as "terrorists", "coup de l'état" or "common criminals".

In addition to "political prisoners", the Nicaraguan crisis that began with the social outburst against Ortega on April 18, 2018 has left at least 325 dead, according to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), while Government recognizes 199.

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