The Government seeks to diversify the arrival of vaccines and advances by that of Cuba


Argentina seeks to accelerate the coronavirus vaccination in the middle of the second hello from Covid-19 it puts the health care system under control. For this, the national government seeks diversify the arrival of vaccines and walk through the Cuba in a context of global dose shortage.

Although, despite some delays, vaccines continue to arrive Russia and China, the government analyzes with concern that not one of the 22 million doses of AstraZeneca has yet arrived who were hired, added to that India warned it would not send a second batch on time due to the health crisis in the Asian country.

In this context, the government is seeking to move forward on other options, such as the Cuban “sovereign” vaccine. Therefore, the chancellor Felipe Sola received the Cuban ambassador during the week, Pedro Pablo Prada, to analyze the funding by Argentina of research projects which are developed in the Caribbean nation for produce coronavirus vaccines.

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“We talked about the Argentinian proposal to finance a greater acceleration of production Cuban vaccines and about one nasal medication which prevents the virus from entering the mucous membranes. We are working on these issues with the Minister (of Health, Carla) Vizzotti“Said Solá in a message posted on the social network Twitter.

During the meeting, which took place at the Foreign Ministry, officials spoke of “the crisis and the challenges imposed by the pandemic and the need to move forward in projects that allow facilitate access to coronavirus vaccines“said a statement from the Foreign Ministry.

“Our country is waiting for the completion of talks at the presidential level with the aim that once they have concluded, to be able to accelerate the transaction possible“declared the head of the Argentine diplomacy.

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In this way, the Argentine government has shown its interest in stimulating the production of the vaccine. Sovereign from the south of the continent in an associative scheme similar to that which was attempted with Mexico – and which is now delayed. Meanwhile, the executive celebrates having passed the 10 million doses received with the last shipment of one million Sinopharm who arrived Thursday evening and was greeted by himself Alberto Fernandez.

From Cuba, they celebrated the creation of the vaccine with the musical group RS Positivo who performed a song called “Sovereign Cuban”In homage to Cuban science. They also ran another special spot to encourage vaccination with two children.

On the other hand, Solá and Prada also discussed a contribution of Cuban technology which consists of a Nasal medication that prevents a high percentage of the virus from entering the mucous membrane. “Argentina is also interested in this drug,” Solá said after the meeting and added: “It could be easy to use for people who are forced to move.” It is Nasalferón.

The possibilities of collaboration with Cuba in health matters were also discussed, as part of the bilateral health work in which Argentina’s foreign ministry is involved, spokespersons from the San Martín Palace said. In the same vein, it was added that the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, “is in contact with the developers of these vaccines and this drug, exchanging scientific information to advance cooperation between the two countries.”


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