The government went to Washington to reassure investors after rising country risk


Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne and Central Bank President Guido Sandleris presented this Thursday at More than 400 investors at an event organized by JP Morgan. The investment fund is one of the most worrying indicators for Mauricio Macri's economic team: country risk, which remains above 800 points. During the meeting, the government tried to rebadure businessmen and financiers by detailing the measures taken to standardize normalize the crisis situation who still has palpitations.

The meetings took place in a week during which the indicators show two opposite images. On the one hand, an increased supply of currencies in the market has reduced the instability of recent weeks and the exchange rate has already fallen close to one peso in the last week.

On the other hand, the screens that show the values ​​of Argentine badets in the world reflect only numbers in red. This mistrust of the market is reflected in a climbing country riskthis Thursday reached 813 points.

In this context, to ease the exchange policy and allow the BCRA to have greater firepower, The Minister of Finance and the head of the Central Bank participated in the week of the Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Sandleris met with the organization's first deputy chief executive, the American David Lipton, who will also meet Dujovne's minister this Saturday. The official maintains the position that the government do not use funds to agree to stop a possible leak of the dollar.

As a follow-up to his work program, Dujovne plans to attend a meeting with IMF member countries on Friday, attend another meeting with G20 counterparts, and participate in bilateral meetings with Brazilian and Saudi officials.

Sandleris, meanwhile, will hold a meeting with the central bank presidents of the G20 countries, a bilateral meeting with Queen Maxima of Holland and meetings on diversity with IMF members.


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