the government will denounce the homophobic and racist demonstration in Madrid in court


“We are also urgently dealing with trans law and LGTBI rights, which allows us to protect rights. LGTBI groups and individuals are not alone,” Montero added.

Some 200 protesters marched through central Madrid on Saturday chanting slogans such as “out of our neighborhoods” or “Spain Christian and no Muslim“, according to videos broadcast by the Spanish media.

This demonstration was also condemned this Sunday by the right, in particular by the deputy mayor of Madrid, Begoña Villacís (Citizens), and the head of Health of the capital region, Enrique Ruiz Escudero (Popular Party, PP).

Spain, which is at the forefront of gender policies in Europe, recorded a wave of protests in favor of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans) community last July after the murder earlier this month of Samuel Luiz , a young Spanish homosexual. of Brazilian origin, who was beaten to death in La Coruña (Galicia, northeast of the country).

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