The government will place Treasury bonds in pesos by 2020


It will be at a fixed rate, but the Ministry of Finance has not disclosed what this return will be, nor the total amount to be placed Monday, in the BOTE 2020

The government announced the day that it will propose this Monday National Treasury bonds in pesos with amortization in November 2020 (BOTE 2020) and fixed rate, the Ministry of Finance and Finance said in a statement, although he did not specify the amount that he seeks to collect in total.
He added that the receipt of bids, in pesos and dollars, would be made between 10 am and 3 pm on Monday, July 16th.

The exchange rate for the subscription will be the one corresponding to "A" Communication 3500 on Friday, July 13, 2018, ie $ 27.2467 . That's three cents less than closing the wholesale ticket on the market.

"To participate in the competitive tranche, it is necessary to indicate the subscription price expressed for each 1,000 pesos nominal value (…), while for the uncompetitive tranche, only the amount to be subscribed must be indicated", a-t -he adds. declaration
The government uses this type of auction to regulate market liquidity and finance public spending.

This number is added to that made last Wednesday, when he placed three public titles for a total of 2,152 million dollars with the aim of relieving the demand for foreign currency. With all this flow, he was able to renew the maturities in Letes, during which he had to pay 1.2 billion dollars.

In this way, on the one hand, made a new issue of Bonus of the Nation in Double Currency to February 2020 which allowed it to increase 1 638 million dollars . And, on the other hand, it awarded 514 million of two Treasury Bills in dollars to 210 and 378 days ].

. ] Both instruments could be written in pesos at the reference exchange rate of Tuesday ($ 27,563), or in dollars.

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