The government will present a new tax reform in the second half of 2021


The money will go to Ingreso Solidario, Colombia Mayor and VAT Refund, Jóvenes en Acción and others.  Via: Social prosperity
The money will go to Ingreso Solidario, Colombia Mayor and VAT Refund, Jóvenes en Acción and others. Via: Social prosperity

Since the withdrawal of the controversial tax reform and the appointment of José Manuel Restrepo as Minister of Finance, the government is already working on the new text that will be presented to Congress and which will include proposals from various sectors.

This was announced by the same head of this portfolio on Thursday, who did not specify when the reform will be presented, but mentioned that the dialogues that the Government will have with the different sectors will be held during the month. of June ; In other words, the new draft should be legislated after the middle of the year.

“By realizing this awareness and especially the awareness of carrying out a social investment project, we will reach agreements that will allow us in the coming weeks to present to the Congress an initiative that can be discussed”, declared the Minister Restrepo.

In addition, the senior official assured that the tax reform that his ministry will present will respond to Congress’ request not to present it before the first half of the current year. In addition, he assured that the Government will propose a consensus between all the parties: “The date of the presentation is another consensus. My approach has always been to make the most of this legislature, but here too we need a consensus between all the players ”, Restrepo said in a media dialogue a few weeks ago.

In the image, the Minister of Finance of Colombia, José Manuel Restrepo.  EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archives
In the image, the Minister of Finance of Colombia, José Manuel Restrepo. EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archives

According to Restrepo, who appeared this Thursday with representatives of young people, regions, political parties, businessmen, beneficiaries of grant programs, among other things, there is a desire to achieve a dialogue that benefits them.

“We are in the best position for this project to be built by all and it really must be so, we cannot forget that there are valuable opinions in all corners of Colombia. For this reason, in the coming weeks we will be going to the regions to listen to them and nurture this initiative ”, Express.

Regarding the changes that this new project will have, it is expected that it will not have any changes related to the increase in VAT and other taxes that caused controversy in the previous project: “Together, we can find sources of resources for social assistance and economic reactivation”, stressed the Ministry of Finance.

In addition, the government announced the promulgation of Decree 612 of 2021, to help micro and small businesses across the country hit by the pandemic and lockdowns resulting from the national strike. For this reason, the deadline for paying taxes for the 2020 tax year has been extended until November.

By this administrative act, the Ministry of Finance and the National Directorate of Taxes and Customs are obliged to modify the fiscal calendar so that single dates are assigned between the 9th and the 23rd of the penultimate month of the year. Thanks to the Tax Identification Number (TIN), companies will be able to verify when it will be their turn to pay the sums to the State.

“With this decree, the business sector affected not only by the pandemic, but by the blockages generated in the midst of a national strike, benefits”, José Manuel Restrepo, Minister of Finance, spoke about the publication of the decree.

For his part, the director of Dian, Lisandro Junco, also underlines the influence of the national strike on these determinations. “It is again necessary to move these expirations, as the exceptional circumstances persist due to the pandemic derived from covid-19 and in addition to those left by the advanced national strike, which has affected the normal development of the economic activities of the micro and small businesses, being necessary to contribute to their recovery ”, he claimed, according to the station.


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