The gracious reaction of Florencia Peña to hear the word that her husband teaches to his son


The actress Florencia Peña shared a funny video where she burst out laughing at the word that her husband is teaching her to tell her youngest son.

Florencia Peña shared a video, through his Instagram account of his younger son, Felipe, and quickly became viral. In the shooting, we observe how Ramiro Ponce de León, the partner of the actress, interacts with the child. But, a detail of that moment triggered the laughter of the artist.

It all started when the baby approached the heater. His father tried to get away from it by saying "No, Tuto". Listening to what her husband taught her son, Florencia Peña unleashed an uncontrolled laugh, wondering "What will be Tuto?"

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With humor, Florencia Peña decided to download this fun video about networks and user comments have not been slow to arrive, the followers explained to the actress the meaning of Tuto. 19659003] "So we say to Salta when it's hot !!! hahaha in all of northern Argentina," commented a user. "And what do you want as a couple of a Florian of Salta? This raises the hand the salteña who does not know what is" tutoring "haha," said another disciple.

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