The great Nostradamus and his incredible prophecies that continue to attract fans | the Chronicle


For Professor Antonio Las Heras
[email protected]

he December 14 will be a new anniversary since when, in 1503, he was born Michael of Nostradamus in Saint Remy de Provence, Francia, which went down in history for his book The Prophecies (in Spanish, The Prophecies), a collection of 942 quatrains, where, supposedly, enigmatically, in the style of prophecies, events are predicted. The book was first published in 1555.

From a parapsychological point of view, this type of prediction is explained by the phenomenon of precognition, defined as “precise knowledge of a future fact which cannot be obtained by reasoning, deduction or logical inference”.

In one of these precognitive texts, Nostradamus writes: “The rain, the famine, the war in Persia did not cease / too much faith, will betray the monarch / there ends what started in Gaul / secret, omen to show us sparing”.

From its reading and interpretation emerges a reality that occurred in the second half of the 20th century. More precisely in 1977. Persia is what we know today as Iran. The monarch who believed he could perpetuate himself in power was Shah Reza Pahlavi. Gaul is France. He lived the Ayatollah Khomei while planning the start of its revolution. Unbelievable. But real. Nostradamus knew 424 years before this happened. On different occasions, the precognitive announcements of Michel de Nostredame (his real name) have come true.

Many other stanzas remain indecipherable. sometimes uses symbolic and mysterious language, extremely imprecise. Therefore, in some verses any event can be deduced.

We are talking about a paragnost (person who frequently uses his extrasensory gifts), who learned to use the phenomenon of precognition through his grandfather, Jean Saint Remy, who was a physician and astrologer.

Others do not have sufficient precision, although they allow some deduction. For example, in the verses where a priest, who is not Roman, will become pontiff after the death of a pope whose reign will be very short. It seems to refer to Juan Pablo I and his successor Juan Pablo II.

Nostradamus taught the technique he used to achieve a profoundly altered state of consciousness this gave him a glimpse of the future. His gaze was focused on a vessel filled with clear water which was supported by a bronze tripod. Something similar to the use of the crystal ball proclaimed by so many diviners.

But his predictions could also come spontaneously, like flashes of intuition. This is what happened when in 1556 Catalina de Medici, wife of the King of France, Enrique II, invited him to court and questioned him about the future of the royal family. He replied that the monarch would die, violently, three or four years later. And he added that the same would happen with the children of the noble marriage. It happened exactly as expected.

Once again, a gentleman from this royal entourage caught his attention. And he did not hesitate to inform Catalina that, this person would one day be king of France. The young man was Enrique of Navarre, who went down in history as King Henry IV. Another remarkable success. And he also had them in his youth.

Before I start writing and prophesying. Traveling through Italy, he knelt before a monk passing in the street. Such Felipe Peretti. Just a monk. To the amazement of those present, Nostradamus said: “I kneel before Your Holiness. ” He wasn’t wrong here either. In 1585, this brother became the Pope Sixtus V.


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