The great solar eclipse in Argentina: six provinces will be in the dark in broad daylight


July 2nd six Argentine provinces will attend the third solar eclipse of the year. Unlike its predecessors in Asia and the North Pacific – both partial – this will be total and can be enjoyed at its best in San Juan, La Rioja, San Luis, Cordoba, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires.

The phenomenon is fully manifest in the band formed by the cities of Rodeo and Jachal (San Juan), northern area of ​​the Grand San Juan, Chepes (La Rioja), Merlo (San Luis), Villa Dolores, Rio Cuarto, Gral. Deheza, Gral Cabrera and La Carlota (Córdoba), Venado Tuerto (Santa Fe), Junín and Rojas (Buenos Aires).

The maximum eclipse will be given between 5.30 and 5.45 southeast of the town of Chascomús. The total duration of the phenomenon will be 2 hours and 45 minutes.

The points of the country where you can see the solar eclipse in Argentina (Source: archive).
The points of the country where you can see the solar eclipse in Argentina (Source: archive).

During the eclipse, the Earth's and Moon's orbits will be aligned so that the sun will be completely blocked and the shadow of the natural satellite will be projected onto the surface of the earth. In the places mentioned, the darkness will be total and the stars in the sky will be able to be observed as if it were the night.

Although we can also see it in other latitudes of the country and South America, the sun cover will only be partial in these places. The percentage of the same will depend on the distance separating the observer from the total concealment band.

What can and can not we do when we see the eclipse?

To take advantage of this phenomenon without putting our health at risk, it is important avoid looking directly at the sunEven when we feel that it does not bother us and does not hurt us. Doing it without proper protection can quickly lead to irreparable lesions of the retina.

In this direction, they will not be protected from the sun's rays who are trying to observe the eclipse through a radiography or gift wrap, like neither one nor the other who use sunglbades -even they have UV-filters, binoculars o telescopes.

What is the right mode then? The purchase of glbades specifically designed to see the eclipse, or with a welding glbad mask with filter number 14 or more.


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