The "Greens" want the law on 8A, but if it returns to deputies could accept changes – 19/07/2018


The "green wing" of the Chamber of Deputies has Plan A: that the Senate will convert August 8 into law to the voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVE). Miguel Pichetto, head of the PJ caucus in the upper house, is involved in this task. But the "greens" believe that if the supporters of the Senate bill decide to impose changes, it would not be so serious: with a simple majority of the present they can ratify the original project, or also accept partially or Totally the changes Congressman Victoria Donda, from Libres del Sur, told him that Clarín, who prefers not to think about this scenario, since she wants to believe that senators will give sanction to the law.

we want there to be changes. What is proposed can be resolved in the regulation. What must be emphasized is that the senators, even asking for these changes, have voted in favor of the project, "said diplomat Daniel Lipovetzky, another promoter of the IVE project and coordinator of the historical debate to the deputies. "Nothing of what is proposed is so necessary and can be solved in the regulations," but has shown a willingness to negotiate: "We are open to corrections, and clarifications if they want to be made, as long as they do not do not change the fund "safe, legal and free abortion" in health facilities.

The antiabortion "celeste" knows that they are complicated because if the project returns to the House of Representatives, it will be approved – the original, or with the changes that the Senate has put in square. This is why his strategy has already been defined: total rejection, although for the moment they do not collect the number.

There are "heavenly" people who speculate that the average sanction of the deputies, which goes from 129 to 125, could bring them problems of quorum. ) to the "green" they manage to twist a will

Lipovetzky comes out at the crossroads of this reading: "Speculating with quorum, this is not understanding the operation of the House. This would be unachievable: it would violate the presidential term (to give the debate) and paralyze the Congress, since we would request a special session every week until quorum. "Crack would be transversal to all the majority banks and generate an unprecedented institutional tension" (19659006) The two figures that bet the anti-abortion in Congress: 36 and 128 ” src=”” data-big=”” data-small=”” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

If the project returns, could there be Deputies Who would change your vote? Up to now, the only one to publicly "repent" of the noise that had spawned it in his province was the radical Ayala Ayala.The complexity of the case is that the project can no longer be rejected, the "Greens" even believe that if they must accept changes, they could get additional votes.

Many things that make "noise" to senators have already been debated at Deputies: Decriminalization is not the same as "legalization" in the sense of the project (which means not only that it ceases to be a crime in the Penal Code, but also that 39 it allows the abortion in the medical institutions) and that the conscientious objection can be individual but not institutional, explains Lipoveztky, it is to avoid that an entire province (arrived in Uruguay, in the department of Salto) declares himself an objector. There are initiatives like in Concordia where the "heavenly" intendant wants to declare it "pro-life city".

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