The guest of honor at the "Fair of Hope": a magnet that explains how to beat the wives – 27/03/2019


The next 20 and 21 April are celebrated in Milan "Fair of Hope"organized by the Islamic NGO Islamic relief.

The fair is presented as an initiative to bring together the Muslim community each year to raise public awareness of the issues affecting our society and to promote the projects of: Islamic relief. The program of activities includes lectures, concerts, workshops, workspaces, competitions, activities for children, religious events and many others.

The next 20 and 21 April are celebrated in Milan

The "Fair of Hope" takes place in Milan on April 20th and 21st. With very controversial guests (video capture).

But the special guests of the Fair arouse fierce controversy. The main case is that of Imam Jasem Al Mutawa, presented as "expert in family mediation and education of children". The reality is that in Youtube there are videos of him in which teach men how to beat their wives.

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Imam Jasem Al Mutawa, guest of honor (video capture).

Imam Jasem Al Mutawa, guest of honor (video capture).

Speaking to the Italian newspaper Il GiornaleLorenzo Vidino, expert in Islamic radicalism and director of the research program on extremism at George Washington University, said that "one of the participants, Al Mutawa, a video can be found on the Internet in which he teaches She should not be hit with big sticks, but with a light hand to make her understand who the boss is. "

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Imam Jasem Al Mutawa is presented as "expert in family mediation and children's education" (video capture).

Imam Jasem Al Mutawa is presented as "expert in family mediation and children's education" (video capture).

But Al Mutawa is not the only guest surrounded by controversy. Shaikh Rajab Zaki, Imam of the Finsbury Park Mosque in London, will also be present. considered the epicenter of the English Muslim Brotherhood, a conservative Islamist organization born in Egypt with subsidiaries around the world. They are considered as creators of modern political Islamism and they have been banned in countries such as Egypt, Syria, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates for alleged terrorist links.

Al Mutawa "teaches" that the woman should not be hit with big sticks, but with a light hand to make her understand who the boss is (video capture).

Al Mutawa "teaches" that the woman should not be hit with big sticks, but with a light hand to make her understand who the boss is (video capture).

Zaki himself has been defined as a hate preacher and accused of supporting fundamentalist movements against Israel. "The Islamic holy war is an essential obligation for all Muslims to occur in all its forms, sacrificing its life or with money, speech or heart," he said.

The character who teaches men how to beat their wives (video capture).

The character who teaches men how to beat their wives (video capture).

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Mourou, the spiritual leader of Al Nahda, is another guest at the Fair of Hope. the Tunisian version of the Muslim Brotherhood.

L & # 39; NGOs Islamic relief, the organizer of the event, denied having any connection with the Muslim Brotherhood. The entity is headquartered in the UK but its funding is provided by contributions from the governments of the Persian Gulf countries. Counterterrorism experts consider that they use volunteerism and their programs to help the needy as a means to implement a conservative view of Islam. Israel has banned the NGO from acting on its territory after accusing it of funding Hamas.



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