The hand leading a class at the Nobel – 18/03/2019


"The spirit is not a vessel to fill, but a lamp to light". The appointment of Plutarco in "Moralia" makes it possible to define education. Next Saturday, March 24, the winners of the new Global Teacher Prize will be announced in Dubai, part of this principle will be dedicated.

Considered the Nobel of EducationThe award, which rewards its fifth edition, is worth $ 1 million and is organized by the London-based Varkey Foundation, seeks to "value the work of teachers".

The novelty is that this year, For the first time, one of the ten finalists selected from 10,000 applicants from 179 countries is Argentina: Martín Salvetti, 45, arrived at this stage after the creation of a school radio set up by the students themselves and transmitted 24 hours a day to the Technical School No. 5 "2 de Abril from Temperley. The project began in 2001 to motivate children and prevent them from leaving clbadrooms. Since then, attendance has increased by 15%.

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A study by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Britain's independent research center, measured prestige of teachers in 35 countries, interviews with more than 35,000 adults aged 16 to 64 and more than 5,500 teachers. Published last November, the result was not very favorable for the Argentina: was ranked 31 of 35, barely exceeding Ghana, Italy, Israel and Brazil.

The preparation of the overall index of teacher status combined, inter alia, respect for teachers, including those professed by students, and the social perception of the status of the teacher. According to labor officials, the greater the prestige of educators, the greater the opportunities for these countries to perform well in evaluation tests such as PISA.

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The data must be consulted and identify various causes that also require different approaches. A minor is the decline of the principle of authority, a subject that goes far beyond the school setting. Beyond that, and whether or not Salvetti gets up with the highest distinction in a few days, the question gives food for thought to the crucial role of teachers, so often unclear between offers to see what happens in clbad .

"To educate, is to train complete human beings," said the Spanish Fernando Savater, pbadionate about the subject because "Education is what fights this fatality that forces the poor to always have poor children and that the ignorant must always have ignorant children".

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The educator, writer and doctor of the University of London, Sir Ken Robinson, emphasizes two fundamental concepts. The first states that "there is no system in the world, in any school, in any country that is better than its teachers, teachers are the soul of success in schools." The second evokes the fact that education, properly designed, is not a transmission system: "The great masters do it, but what a good teacher does, it is also to guide, stimulate, provoke, involve ".

This statement is one of those that transcends eras, geographies and technological advances. When he learned that he had won the Nobel Prize for Literature, one of the first things Albert Camus did was send a letter. The recipient was Louis Germain, his elementary school teacher. He wrote to her on November 19, 1957. "When I heard the news, I first thought of my mother, and then of you. Without you, the loving hand that took care of the poor child that I was without his teaching and example, none of this would have happened ", he said in one of the paragraphs that presented himself as "one of his little disciples who, despite the years, has not ceased to be his grateful pupil".


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