“The hand of God”, the method that helps patients with Covid – News


Lidiane Melo, in charge of caring for Covid-19 patients, has gone viral on Facebook for using gloves with hot water to comfort a patient who was in critical condition due to coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro , in Brazil.

“She didn’t let us calm her down, she just said we can’t let her die, that she has two daughters and two granddaughters, that she takes care of her family. She asked me to hold her hand. I told her that I couldn’t, that I had other patients to treat, but that I was going to do something, ”said Lidiane.

Lidiane Melo

At Ilha do Governador Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Lidiane, unable to touch the patient’s hands, invented a technique: she filled two gloves with hot water and wrapped them around the patient’s hand, which helped calm him down.

“He calmed down, he told me that he felt that I was holding his hand and I told him that it was not mine, that he thought it was the hand of God, that I ‘was going to help him get out of there,’ Melo said.

The patient was cured and released, therefore, Lidiane applied this technique to other patients.


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